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Preparatory Groundwork For facilitators of a community assessment Programme Identify subject area Decide on date, time and place Decide on tools Identify.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparatory Groundwork For facilitators of a community assessment Programme Identify subject area Decide on date, time and place Decide on tools Identify."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparatory Groundwork For facilitators of a community assessment Programme Identify subject area Decide on date, time and place Decide on tools Identify target groups and provide them with a brief to be prepared for the programme Exchange experiences among facilitators Logistical preparation- stationary, food, transport

2 Preparation for Community Assessment Programme - The day before Choose the facilitator team Appoint a team leader Appoint a time keeper Appoint two record keepers Appoint lead facilitators for each tool Appoint one facilitator to handle the interface meeting Prepare stationary and equipment

3 The Programme of Action for the day of the Community Assessment Get to the village on time Explain the objectives of this programme- team leader Explain the methodology and process in simple terms to service providers and users- the respective facilitators Get community feedback, suggestions and recommendations from service providers, users, beneficiaries etc- the respective facilitators Divide the community in to two groups Undertake the below activities in the two groups

4 Performance Assessment of Service Provider/ Service Delivery Explain to service users the objectives and methodology of the process and the advantages of such an assessment Discuss among all members of the group to come up with issues and criteria, and to finally choose a few relevant criteria for scoring Provide the scores for each criteria through consultation and fill in the format

5 Service Provider Self Assessment Explain the objects, benefits and process to the service provider Choose the criteria through consultation and discussion among all present Provide the scores for each criteria and fill in the format

6 Interface Meeting Explain the process and objectives of this meeting Display the results of the community assessment, provider self-assessment and input tracking for public view during the meeting Generate from the gathered representation, recommendations for further improvement and development of the service/ project benefits

7 Facilitator – myiqlñ i,ikakd A Good Facilitator Looks like this – fydo myiqlus i,ikafkla fujekafkls A Bad Facilitator Looks like this- widra:l myiqlus i,ikafkla fujekafkls

8 Plan of action for the day of a community assessment programme Summary Arrive at the village on schedule Explain the objectives of the programme Both service users and providers provide information and views on the Input Tracking Exercise Divide in to two groups –service providers and service users Both groups complete the following activities Explain the objectives to service users and service providers Discuss among all people in the group to come up with relevant criteria Provide the agreed scores to the criteria and prepare the format record Hold the interface meeting while displaying all the generated information from input tracking, community and provider self assessments Obtain suggestions and recommendations to improve the situation of service delivery and prepare and action plan to meet this goal give

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