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Thief The On the Cross Most Popular thief in the world.

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Presentation on theme: "Thief The On the Cross Most Popular thief in the world."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thief The On the Cross Most Popular thief in the world

2 Thief The On the Cross Luke 23:39-43
Jesus was crucified between two thieves Both mocked him - Mt.27:39-44 One asked to be remembered - v. 42 Today shalt thou be with me in paradise V. 43

3 Thief What did the thief ask ?
“Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.” Luke 23:42 Many thought it would be an earthly kingdom Did he understand it to be a spiritual kingdom? Probably thought Christ would come down from cross When you save yourself, save me

4 Thief What does Paradise mean ? Does not mean heaven - John 20:17
He was in Hades - Acts 2:27 and 31 “His soul was not left in Hades, nor did His flesh see corruption.” Hades - realm of disembodied spirits Paradise = place where the righteous spirits remain

5 Hades Jesus Thief Paradise Rest Gulf Torment Tartarus

6 Thief What did Christ’s answer mean ?
“Today shalt thou be with me in paradise” Luke 23:43 Did not mean the grave Souls would be together in paradise Thief - stolen - SIN “You are forgiven”

7 Thief Yes Was the thief saved ?
Jesus went into paradise after his death He promised the thief would be there also

8 Thief Was the thief baptized ?
Not at this time while he was on the cross He could have been baptized earlier ! John baptized multitudes - Matt. 3:5-6 He knew something about Christ & His Kingdom He was probably a “Jew”

9 He lived under the Law of Moses
Thief Not an example of conversion for us The He lived under the Law of Moses Col. 2: law of Moses - “Nailing it to his cross” Gal. 4:4 “born under the law” both lived and died under the Law of Moses Heb. 9:15-17 “For a testament is in force after men are dead, since it has no power at all while the testator lives.”

10 He lived under the Law of Moses
Thief Not an example of conversion for us The He lived under the Law of Moses Before his death Jesus could save the thief While living the testator can change his will Examples “thy sins be forgiven” Luke 7:48 Zacchaeus - Luke 19:9 Man with Palsy - Mark 2:5

11 After the Death of Christ The Last will and Testament
Thief Not an example of conversion for us The After the Death of Christ The Last will and Testament Cannot be changed “He takes away the first that He may establish the second.” Heb. 10:9-10 First = Law of Moses Second = Law of Christ

12 After the Death of Christ
Thief Not an example of conversion for us The After the Death of Christ He gave the Great commission - Mk.16:15-16 Mt.28:19-20 Terms of salvation revealed Pentecost - Acts 2: Repent + Baptism Acts 2: ,000 were baptized If the thief had been living on Pentecost he would have been baptized for the remission of his sins.

13 Line of reasoning If the thief went to heaven without being baptized then I can go to heaven without being baptized. If Enoch went to heaven without dying then I can go to heaven without dying. - Gen. 5:24 If Elijah was translated and went to heaven without dying then I can be translated and go to heaven without dying. “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:” Heb. 9:27

14 Thief The On the Cross Is not an example for us to follow in becoming a Christian

15 What Must I Do To be Saved ?
In Christ = SAVED What Must I Do To be Saved ? Baptized - Gal.3:27 Confess - Rom.10:10 Repent - Luke13:3 Believe - John8:24 Hear - Rom.10:17

16 Thief The On the Cross If we try to be saved like the first thief,
There were two thieves First one was saved Second one was lost If we try to be saved like the first thief, then we will be lost like the second one.

17 Sermon by Arthur Pigman
Evans Church of Christ 515 Gibbs Road Evans, Ga Sunday Morning Mar. 13, 2011

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