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RBSP Radiation Belt Storm Probes RBSP Radiation Belt Storm Probes 12/25/20151 Flight Software Template for Instrument Critical Design Review Gary M. Heiligman.

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Presentation on theme: "RBSP Radiation Belt Storm Probes RBSP Radiation Belt Storm Probes 12/25/20151 Flight Software Template for Instrument Critical Design Review Gary M. Heiligman."— Presentation transcript:

1 RBSP Radiation Belt Storm Probes RBSP Radiation Belt Storm Probes 12/25/20151 Flight Software Template for Instrument Critical Design Review Gary M. Heiligman 2009 May 27

2 12/25/20152 General Guidelines This is a template for the Flight Software portion of I-CDR. Provide Presentation and Backup Materials in the I-CDR review package. Present all required topics in the Presentation. –Target audience for the Presentation is all reviewers. –Flight Software Presentations usually require more than the 30 minutes currently allocated in the I-CDR Guidelines. Instrument teams should allocate enough time to adequately cover the material that follows. JUNO FSW presentations required about 60 minutes and 30 slides Provide detailed information in Backup Materials. –Target audience for Backup Materials is the software experts. –No limit on the number of Backup Material slides, but “keep it reasonable”. –DON’T use Backup Materials as a proxy for detailed peer reviews.

3 12/25/20153 Outline Flight Software Overview Flight Software Context Changes Since Preliminary Design Review Detailed Software Design –Functional description –Structural decomposition –Timing Commands and Telemetry (may be included in Functional Description instead of a separate section) Resource Margins Software Verification and Testing Status of Engineering Model Software (optional) Development Environment and Support of Flight Operations Backup Materials

4 12/25/20154 Flight Software Overview Key Requirements –What does the software do? –List requirements that drive the software design. –DON’T list all the requirements in your Presentation; if you want to include them in the review package, put them in the Backup Materials. List of CSCIs –What are the major pieces of software? –For every CSCI, give a 1 – 2 sentence summary of what it does. (suggested size: 2 slides)

5 12/25/20155 Flight Software Context Place the flight software in its context –Where does FSW fit within the instrument system as a whole? –Include processors, data storage, buses, networks, communication lines, peripherals, etc. –Recommendation: use your context diagram (or block diagram) from PDR, updated as needed. (suggested size: one slide)

6 12/25/20156 Changes Since Preliminary Design Review Status of each action item from instrument and mission PDRs (1 slide, if any) –Put responses to each RFA in Backup Materials Results of trade studies (1 slide, if any) Major changes in software requirements (1 slide, if any) Major changes in ICDs (1 slide, if any) Major changes in top-level design (1 slide, if any) Peer reviews since PDR (1 slide, if any) –Summarize results and action items Major open technical issues, programmatic issues, or risks (1 slide, if any)

7 12/25/20157 Detailed Software Design Functional Description Describe the functional operation of the software –Include Boot / initialization Describe major modes of operation –(may use UML statechart or state-transition diagram) Describe data flows (in data driven designs) –(may use data flow diagram) Describe communication / synchronization between multiple tasks (in multitasking designs) –(may use task communication graph) Describe critical task functional flow –(may use a task flow diagram) Describe management of data stored within the instrument (for instruments that have an internal SSR) (suggested size: 3-6 slides, remainder in backup)

8 12/25/20158 Structural Decomposition Decompose the design into components –E.g., packages, modules, function groups, or classes Describe the structural relationship between components –E.g., which packages call which –(may use a package dependency diagram) (suggested size: 2-4 slides, remainder in backup)

9 12/25/20159 Timing Describe activities during a major cycle (usually 1 second) –(may use a timing diagram) (suggested size: 1-3 slides)

10 12/25/201510 Commands List commands implemented by the software –Group by functional area -- OR -- List commands with the description of each functional area in the Detailed Design portion of the package (suggested size: 1-2 slides)

11 12/25/201511 Telemetry List telemetry packets produced by the software -- OR -- List telemetry packets with the description of each functional area in the Detailed Design portion of the package Show how telemetry fits within allocated SSR volume –Recommendation: Provide a table showing how Σ {packet size} × {production rate} ≤ {telemetry allocation} (suggested size: 2-5 slides)

12 12/25/201512 Resource Margins Present the resource metrics that you specified in SW-001 –Typically includes RAM, EEPROM, and CPU utilization –Compare against estimates from PDR –Margin = 100% - {estimated} / {available} –For Example: (suggested size: 1 slide) This example is a particle instrument that must process 100,000 events per second

13 12/25/201513 Software Verification and Testing Summarize how flight software will be tested –Resources required: Test environment, GSE, other instrument subsystems –Is the tester independent of the developer? Summarize what tests will be conducted –For example: Functional areas Day-in-the-life scenarios Reset & recovery New program load Internal SSR management Stress tests (suggested size: 1 slide)

14 12/25/201514 Status of Engineering Model Software Describe state of software currently in use on engineering models, breadboards, and prototypes (suggested size: 1 slide, detailed results in backup slides)

15 12/25/201515 Development Environment and Support of I&T and Flight Operations Development Environment –List tools, development platforms, etc. and provide status –Include support for geographically distributed teams Support for I&T and Flight Operations –List software builds with (approximate) dates –Describe facilities for software updates after instrument delivery to APL (suggested size: 1 slide)

16 RBSP Radiation Belt Storm Probes RBSP Radiation Belt Storm Probes 12/25/201516 Flight Software Backup Materials Candidate materials for Instrument Critical Design Review

17 12/25/201517 Guidelines Place information in the Backup Materials if it interrupts the flow of the Presentation The following are examples of diagram types that might appear in the Backup Materials– NONE OF THEM IS REQUIRED

18 12/25/201518 Sample State-Transition Diagram

19 12/25/201519 Sample Data Flow Diagram

20 12/25/201520 Sample Task Communication Graph PERIODIC TASK executes at regular intervals OPERATING SYSTEM QUEUE allows tasks to post and pend on messages SEMAPHORE used to synchronize execution of a task PROTECTED DATA STORE locking mechanism prevents simultaneous task access INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE usually triggered by an external source CONTROL FLOW represented by dotted lines DATA FLOW represented by solid lines

21 12/25/201521 Sample Task Flow Diagram SYNCHRONIZATION indicates that task may suspend on this call SYNCHRONIZATION indicates that task may suspend on this call for maximum of 5 milliseconds METHOD CALL to a method in a package named Error

22 12/25/201522 Sample Package Dependency Diagram DEPENDENCY Package 1 depends on Package 2 (i.e., Package 1 calls a method contained in Package 2) DEPENDENCY Package 1 depends on Package 4 (i.e., Package 1 calls a method contained in Package 4) DEPENDENCY Package 4 depends on Package 5 (i.e., Package 4 calls a method contained in Package 5) DEPENDENCY Package 3 depends on Package 4 (i.e., Package 3 calls a method contained in Package 4)

23 12/25/201523 Sample Timing Diagram

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