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Main Idea and Supporting Details. What is a Main Idea? A Main Idea is : A general statement about the WHOLE passage that contains the TOPIC. Topic.

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Presentation on theme: "Main Idea and Supporting Details. What is a Main Idea? A Main Idea is : A general statement about the WHOLE passage that contains the TOPIC. Topic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Main Idea and Supporting Details

2 What is a Main Idea? A Main Idea is : A general statement about the WHOLE passage that contains the TOPIC. Topic


4 What is ….Topic?? A topic is: Who or what the whole selection is about The topic is a word or phrase…not a complete sentence To find the topic ask yourself, “In general, who or what is this WHOLE paragraph about?”

5  A detail proves (or supports) the Main Idea. It is a small bit of information from the paragraph  If a sentence is a detail, it is NOT the Main Idea

6  One  First of all  Secondly  Finally  Furthermore  Next  Another  Also  In addition  For example  For instance  Last of all  The final…

7  If a sentence is a detail, then it cannot be the main idea!

8 Pesticides kill plants and animals other than the pests they are intended for. Pesticides pollute water systems. Some pests develop immunity to frequently used pesticides. Some pesticides such as DDT and its relatives can remain in the environment for many years beyond the time necessary to do their intended job. Some pesticides have been linked to cancer and other health problems in humans. A.Some pesticides have been linked to cancer and other health problems B.Pesticides can be very harmful. C.Pesticides kill plants and animals other than the pests they are intended for. D.They can be very dangerous to both people and the environment.

9 Pesticides kill plants and animals other than the pests they are intended for. Pesticides pollute water systems. Some pests develop immunity to frequently used pesticides. Some pesticides such as DDT and its relatives can remain in the environment for many years beyond the time necessary to do their intended job. Some pesticides have been linked to cancer and other health problems in humans. A.Some pesticides have been linked to cancer and other health problems

10 Pesticides kill plants and animals other than the pests they are intended for. Pesticides pollute water systems. Some pests develop immunity to frequently used pesticides. Some pesticides such as DDT and its relatives can remain in the environment for many years beyond the time necessary to do their intended job. Some pesticides have been linked to cancer and other health problems in humans. b. Pesticides kill plants and animals other than the pests they are intended for.

11 Pesticides kill plants and animals other than the pests they are intended for. Pesticides pollute water systems. Some pests develop immunity to frequently used pesticides. Some pesticides such as DDT and its relatives can remain in the environment for many years beyond the time necessary to do their intended job. Some pesticides have been linked to cancer and other health problems in humans. d. Pesticides can be very harmful

12 2 Steps to choosing the Correct the Main Idea 1.Does it have the TOPIC? 2.Is it about the WHOLE passage? WHOLE TOPIC

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