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What’s wrong?.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s wrong?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s wrong?

2 J’ai soif

3 J’ai faim I’m hungry

4 J’ai chaud I’m hot

5 J’ai froid I am cold

6 J’ai envie de vomir I feel sick

7 J’ai envie de dormir I feel sleepy

8 J’ai un rhume J’ai le rhume des foins
I have hay fever.

9 J’ai la grippe I have the flu
J’ai de la fièvre I have fever

10 Je tousse I’m coughing

11 vocabulary J’ai faim =I’m hungry J’ai soif = I’m thirsty
J’ai chaud= I’m hot J’ai froid = I’m cold J’ai envie de vomir = I feel sick J’ai envie de dormir = I feel sleepy J’ai un rhume= I have a cold J’ai le rhume des foins: I have hay fever J’ai la grippe= I have the flu Je tousse= I’m coughing

12 Je n’ai pas faim = I am not hungry Je n’ai pas soif= I am not thirsty
Extra vocabulary Je n’ai pas faim = I am not hungry Je n’ai pas soif= I am not thirsty Je n’ai pas froid= I am not cold. A la pharmacie=to the chemist A l’hôpital=to the hospital Aux urgences=At the A&E Chez le médecin=at the doctor

13 In pairs What’s wrong? and

14 Preparation of the role play
Partner A:the doctor asks questions. Partner B:the patient answers questions. Students perform in front of the class

15 bingo

16 h/w Bring exchange clothes for the role play(patient/GP) next lesson

17 at the doctor To design and perform a role play about pains Starter: Design your role play in groups of 4/5 students 1 person is the doctor 1 person is the nurse 3 other people are patient and family members

18 Brainstorming of vocabulary
Greetings: Hello/how are you?/what’s wrong? Expressing your pains Ouch.... Doctor’s help I’m going to help you Here are some pain killers Good bye

19 Doctor, i have a headache. I also have fever
Hello, What’s your name? Hello doctor My name is…. What’s wrong? Where does it hurt? Doctor, i have a headache. I also have fever Do you have a flu? Here are some painkillers. Thanks. Good bye.

20 Performance in groups in front of the class

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