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Jennifer Bellah ESE 253 04/13/15.  Brain Pop  Online Tutorial  Simulations  Instructional Games  Problem Solving.

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Presentation on theme: "Jennifer Bellah ESE 253 04/13/15.  Brain Pop  Online Tutorial  Simulations  Instructional Games  Problem Solving."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jennifer Bellah ESE 253 04/13/15

2  Brain Pop  Online Tutorial  Simulations  Instructional Games  Problem Solving

3  Website  drill and practice and instant feedback  Basics for free, more with membership  Supplements curriculum with videos, students can interact with content through games and activities, quizzes are available for online assessments as well  Enrichment for excelling learners/remediation and extra practice for others

4  Simulates human tutor  Individualized, extra practice, instant feedback  Available through many websites, varying cost  Students can receive individualized homework help and tutoring to support content mastery  Works at the student’s pace to support the needs of slower learners, provides extra support on previously taught material

5  Demonstrates real or imaginary systems  Provides learning opportunities otherwise not available  Many websites offer free video and virtual simulations  Students or teachers can use simulations to model activities and processes during instruction or as lab activities to accompany lessons  Multisensory experience to support varying learning styles

6  Learning games come in a variety of formats  Skills practice, increased motivation, drill and practice, immediate feedback  Free and membership websites available via the internet  Supplemental to instruction, supporting material already learned  Varying paces, individual levels, progress as you master skills

7  Direct teaching and practice of problem solving steps  Learners acquire problem solving competence and confidence and increased opportunities  Available through various websites  Supports critical thinking and problem solving skills  Individual levels and pacing, enrichment for advanced learners

8  Word Processing  Spreadsheets  Presentation Software  Interactive Whiteboard  Student Response Systems

9  Software like Microsoft Word  Drafting, formatting, neatness, tools to support writing process  Software must be installed on a device  Note taking, writing process, short answer assessments  Great for students with fine motor delays and penmanship weakness

10  Software like Microsoft Excel  Neat and organized date, formatting and tools  Must be installed on your device  Collect data, visually represent data, organize and present data  Tool for teachers as well as students  Supports organization, neatness, and has tools like auto sum to support students

11  PowerPoint, Prezi are two examples  Visually engaging, allows for creativity, multisensory opportunity  Installed program or website  Creative opportunity for students to plan and present information  Nontraditional learning tool allows students with a variety of skills to present professionally

12  White board connected to a computer providing many unique tools  Students can engage in the curriculum, teacher can manipulate computer from focal point of the room, multimedia opportunities for instruction  Can be costly, reduced prices and increased availability are making these more accessible  Interacting with curriculum, visually stimulating and interactive instruction

13  Hand-held devices used by students  Whole group response, instant feedback for teachers, limited copying from peers  Schools must purchase and train teachers  Use as whole group response tool, formative assessments, preassessments  Individual response, private response, engaging to learners

14  Roblyer, M., & Doering, A. (2013). Technology tools for 21st century teaching - beyond the basics. In Integrating educational technology into teaching (6th ed., pp. 74-80). Boston: Pearson.

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