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Trauma Triage Scenario 3. Scenario 3 Scene Info uSwimmer struck by a boat uBoat was traveling “fast” u76 y/o male patient uConscious, but “hurt bad”

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Presentation on theme: "Trauma Triage Scenario 3. Scenario 3 Scene Info uSwimmer struck by a boat uBoat was traveling “fast” u76 y/o male patient uConscious, but “hurt bad”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Trauma Triage Scenario 3

2 Scenario 3

3 Scene Info uSwimmer struck by a boat uBoat was traveling “fast” u76 y/o male patient uConscious, but “hurt bad” What does this information provide us? What additional information do you need?

4 Initial Assessment uOpens eyes to voice uLocalizes painful stimuli uIs confused and combative uAirway is open uRR=36, ≠ Cx expansion, paradoxical Cx wall motion, open chest wound on L.,  lung sounds on L. uWeak radial pulses at 110 uSkin pale, cool, moist Can you estimate GCS & RTS? What is the Patient Status?

5 Focused H&P uR. temporal bruising, pupils PERRLA uNo JVD or tracheal deviation, no C-spine deformity, some SQ air noted to neck area u≠ Cx expansion,  lung sounds L., unstable segment, paradoxical Cx wall motion and open Cx wound L. uAbdomen: soft, LUQ bruising uPelvis stable uLLE & RLE: deformity, swelling, and bleeding from large lacerations uBack: Bruising to L. side of thoracic area uPulse 110, BP 96/62, RR 36 uMedic alert bracelet says Hx AFib and HTN Confirm or dispute your initial severity determination.

6 Trauma Communications What pertinent information will you communicate to medical control?

7 Transport Decision uInjury Severity uHospital capability, location, driving time due to traffic uRegional Level II Hospital is 20 minutes by ground uRegional Level I Hospital is 60 minutes by ground uYour crew includes 1 EMT-P and 2 EMT-Bs uHelicopter is available and ETA to scene is 15 minutes (responding from the Regional Level 1 Hospital) What decision will Medical Control make and why?

8 Questions?

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