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Anything that has mass & takes up space Matter Mass the amount of matter an object contains.

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Presentation on theme: "Anything that has mass & takes up space Matter Mass the amount of matter an object contains."— Presentation transcript:

1 anything that has mass & takes up space Matter Mass the amount of matter an object contains

2 States of Matter  Solid –  definite shape  definite volume  Particles of a solid are packed close together and the motion seems to be a vibration.

3 States of Matter  Liquid -  no definite shape  definite volume  Particles of a liquid bump into each other; they push the particles farther apart and move past them. This causes the "flow" of a liquid.

4 States of Matter  Gas –  no definite shape  no definite volume  The particles collide with enough force to push the particles so far apart that they escape the attraction of the surrounding particles.  high compressibility

5 4 th State of Matter? Plasma  Closely related to gases  Particles are neither molecules or atoms, but rather electrons and positive ions  Formed at very high temperatures (high enough to ionize the atoms)  Move freely like the particles of a gas  Examples Stars, comets, and aurora borealis

6 Names for phase changes  Melting - Solid changes to Liquid  Freezing - Liquid changes to Solid  Sublimation - Solid changes to Gas  Deposition - Gas changes to Solid  Vaporization - Liquid changes to Gas  Evaporation - vaporization that takes place at the surface of a liquid.  Condensation - Gas to Liquid

7 Draw the following graph into your notes:

8 Kinetic Energy  As matter moves from the (solid → liquid → gas) its kinetic energy increases  Kinetic Energy Law  Matter is made up of small particles (atoms, molecules, ions)  These particles are in constant random motion  These particles collide with themselves and the wall of their container What happens as temperature is increased?

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