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Matter Matters Poster Project. Objectives 0 Students will explain that atoms are the smallest unit of an element and are composed of subatomic particles.

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Presentation on theme: "Matter Matters Poster Project. Objectives 0 Students will explain that atoms are the smallest unit of an element and are composed of subatomic particles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Matter Matters Poster Project

2 Objectives 0 Students will explain that atoms are the smallest unit of an element and are composed of subatomic particles. 0 Students will analyze models of the scientific theory of atoms. 0 Students will analyze models and describe the motion of particles in solids, liquids, and/or gasses. 0 Students will explain matter.

3 Introduction/Task 0 The work of numerous scientists over the course of thousands of years has led to the development of the modern theory of atomic structure. 0 Individually or with a partner, create a poster that shares the important contribution scientist made to the development of atomic models and theories. 0 Begin your task by reading the following slides…

4 Atoms 0 Matter is anything that takes up space and has mass. All matter is made of atoms. 0 Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter. They make up everything around us; Your desk, the board, your body, everything is made of atoms! 0 Atoms are too small to see without powerful microscopes.

5 Atomic Structure There are two basic components in every atom: Electron Cloud Nucleus

6 Subatomic Particles Three subatomic particles make up every atom: Subatomic ParticleChargeLocation ProtonPositive (+)Nucleus or “Core” NeutronNo Charge (0)Nucleus or “Core” ElectronNegative (-)Electron Cloud

7 Subatomic Particles Electron Cloud: Electrons orbit the nucleus. Nucleus or “Core”: Protons and Neutrons are found in the nucleus.

8 An Atom An atom looks like this! HeisenbergSchrodinger It’s time we head back home! Click the atom to send us to the future! Present Day Model Electron levels/cloud Proton Neutron Electron This is a carbon atom nuclues

9 Atomic Theory Changes over time…

10 0B0B ecause we can not see atoms, we use models to teach and learn about atoms. 0T0T he atomic theory has changed over time as new technologies have become available. 0R0R emember: Scientific knowledge builds on past research and experimentation.

11 Atomic Theory Timeline ScientistInformationModel John Dalton All matter is made of atoms. Atoms are too small to see, indivisible and indestructible. All atoms of a given element are identical.

12 ScientistInformationModel J.J Thompson Discovered the negative electron, and predicted that there also must be a positive particle to hold the electrons in place. Atomic Theory Timeline

13 ScientistInformationModel Ernest Rutherford Discovered the nucleus of an atom and named the positive particles in the nucleus “protons”. Concluded that electrons are scattered in empty space around the nucleus. Atomic Theory Timeline

14 ScientistInformationModel James Chadwick Discovered that neutrons were also located in the nucleus of an atoms and that they contain no charge. Atomic Theory Timeline Neutrons

15 Atomic Theory Timeline ScientistInformationModel Neils Bohr Concluded that electrons are located in planet-like orbits around the nucleus in certain energy levels.

16 ScientistInformationModel (Many Scientists!) The Modern Atomic Theory Electrons do not orbit the nucleus in neat planet-like orbits but move at high speeds in an electron cloud around the nucleus.

17 Poster Time! Time to create your poster! It must include the following: __definition of matter __carbon atom and labeled particles __all scientists, their theories, and their atomic models from this power point. Be creative, colorful, neat, and organized!!

18 Poster Rubric on the next side

19 Excellent (5 pts) Good (4 pts) Fair (3/2 pts) Poor (1 pts) Content Excellent Poster includes useful and relevant information on all required components of matter, atom structure, and the scientist and atomic model. Information is well-organized and accurate. Good Poster includes relevant information on most components of matter, atom structure, and the scientist and atomic model. Information is accurate. Fair Poster includes relevant information on some of the components of matter, atomic structure, and the scientist and atomic model. Some information is inaccurate and poorly organized. Poor Poster does not include relevant information or has few components of matter, atom structure, and the scientist and atomic model. Information is poorly organized and inaccurate. Work Quality & Effort Excellent The work done exceeds all expectations and shows that the student(s) is proud of their work. It is clear that best efforts were put forth. Good The work was done with good effort that shows what the student(s) is capable of accomplishing. It is evident that time was put into this poster. Fair Work is done with fair effort, but the quality is still not what the student(s) is capable of. It is evident that the work was rushed. Poor Work is done with little effort, which resulted in a low quality poster. It is evident that the work was rushed and little time was spent on the final poster. Work is incomplete. Style & Creativity Excellent Poster has an element of creativity and style, and is not just a list of facts. Poster conveys a clear understanding of the topic. Good Poster is clear and contains few mistakes. Good creativity and neatness. Fair Poster lacks clarity of information, creativity and neatness. Poor Poster does not convey a clear understanding of the subject matter and there are many errors. Poster is not creative. Time Management & Behavior Excellent The student(s) worked great managing time and did a stellar job with their behavior. Good The student(s) worked well on time management and did a nice job with their behavior. Fair The student(s) did not work well on time management, but did alright with their behavior. Poor The student(s) did not work well on time management and had poor behavior. Rubric

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