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Prostate Cancer. What is the Prostate Gland What is the prostate Gland Size of a chestnut Just beneath the bladder Urethra runs through its middle Its.

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Presentation on theme: "Prostate Cancer. What is the Prostate Gland What is the prostate Gland Size of a chestnut Just beneath the bladder Urethra runs through its middle Its."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prostate Cancer

2 What is the Prostate Gland

3 What is the prostate Gland Size of a chestnut Just beneath the bladder Urethra runs through its middle Its main job is to produce fluid that enriches sperm. Can grow bigger with age, or become cancerous.

4 What is Cancer The human body is made up of millions of cells. These cells grow in size and number Sometimes because of certain environmental factors such as sunlight, smoking, toxic chemicals, Alcohol, or just bad luck the cells start to multiply out of control A tumour or mass develops, which causes damage to the organ and surrounding tissue. Cancers can spread!

5 What is Prostate Cancer A cancer that develops from prostate gland cells. Most common Cancer in Men in the UK. 35000 men in the UK are diagnosed every year 1/12 men in the UK will develop Prostate cancer! Most commonly in men over the age of 65.

6 What are the risk Factors Ageing. Family history and genetics. Ethnic Group. Diet. Cadmium.

7 What are the Symptoms No symptoms. Poor stream. Hesitancy. Dribbling Frequency Urgency Poor emptying Bloody urine Bone pain

8 What Should I Do if I have these symptoms Do not ignore the symptoms! See your GP! May be another less sinister illness. Many older men have these symptoms. Possibility of benign enlargement.

9 What will the GP Do? Take a thorough history of your symptoms. Examine the prostate gland. Order a PSA blood test if appropriate. If sufficiently concerned will refer you to the Urologists for a possible biopsy. Note: A positive PSA does not necessarily mean you have cancer, and a negative test does not rule it out. It is just an aid in the diagnostic journey.

10 Is there any treatment This depends on the severity and spread of the cancer, as well as the general health of the individual. Treatment options include; Watchful waiting Surgery Radiotherapy Hormonal therapy Chemotherapy Palliative Care

11 Prognosis: What is the outlook Very variable Some slow growing Some spread to other parts of the body and affect life expectancy Response to treatment is also variable. If diagnosed, your specialist would be able to give you a more accurate prognosis depending on your particular situation.

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