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Agents of Socialization

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1 Agents of Socialization
Mass Media

2 What role does mass media play in socialization?
Mass media displays roles models for children to imitate. Learning these role models helps to integrate the young into society. The mass media offer children ideas about the values in their society. They provide children with images of achievement and success, activity and work, equality and democracy.

3 Statistics about media
One national survey indicates that 68% of U.S. children have a television in their bedroom, and nearly half of all youths aged 8-18 use the Internet every day.

4 Violence in the mass media
By age sixteen, the average American child will have seen 27,000 homicides on television. Based on hundreds on studies involving over 10,000 children, most now conclude that watching aggressive behavior on television significantly increases aggression.

5 Examples of violence A two year old girl died when her older brother, age five, set the house on fire with matches while imitating behavior he had seen on the cartoon program: Beavis and Butt-Head.

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