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UNIT SEVEN – Americans in Vietnam, Part 1 20 th Century US History.

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1 UNIT SEVEN – Americans in Vietnam, Part 1 20 th Century US History

2 UNIT 7, LESSON 11 AGENDA Submit outlines Work on outlines if incomplete QUACK Chapter 7, finish for HW

3 UNIT 7, LESSON 12 AGENDA Do Now – Reading Quiz, Chapter 7 Honors/Warnings Group Read – “For Further Consideration” HW: Revise Outlines

4 Chapter 7 – Reading Quiz 1. What happened in My Lai on March 16th, 1968? 2. Only one American was hurt during the event. What was his injury? 3. How did the American public find out about the events at My Lai? 4. What was Lt. Calley’s main defense in the trial that followed My Lai? 5. Do you consider him guilty of violating the Geneva Convention (International Rules of War)?

5 Honors/Warnings Cody John Caroline Sam Lukas Adam

6 UNIT 7, LESSON 13 AGENDA Do Now – Binder Check, Do you have….?? Notes on Chapter 5, “The Gulf of Tonkin Incident” Quiz 7.2 Research Paper Outlines Lecture – Chap 8, “The Tet Offensive & Domestic Policies” Note Check Research Paper Discussion Who needs help?? HW: QUACK Chapter 9

7 The Tet Offensive & Domestic Policies Tet Offensive – surprise attack by the Vietcong on Saigon and 103 Vietnamese cities & towns, Jan. 30, 1968 As a result, anti-war protesters claimed that: 1. The US was engaged in an immoral war 2. The US was supporting a corrupt and unpopular gov’t 3. Amercans were killing the people they were supposed to be protecting (My Lai, air strikes, etc.)

8 The Tet Offensive & Domestic Policies American Claims By 1967, people see too little progress in Vietnam LBJ’s response – reports saying… 1. There was a decrease in attacks by the VC 2. Hamlets were being “pacified” 3. Fewer soldiers from the North were coming to the South 4. The enemy was being killed in large numbers in battle Wanted to reverse the public’s attitude towards the war Did a better job fooling Americans than fooling the VC

9 The Tet Offensive & Domestic Policies North Vietnamese Strategy General Vo Nguyen Giap Wants a dramatic attack to persuade the American public to end the war Similar to the victory over the French at Dienbienphu The timing Tet – lunar New Year, longest and most important Vietnamese holiday Good time for a surprise attack Just before the New Hampshire presidential primary, 1968

10 The Tet Offensive & Domestic Policies Preparations for the Tet Offensive Massive movement of men (67k) and supplies over hundreds of miles of jungle No plans, tanks, trucks, etc. Completed right under the noses of Americans and South Vietnamese, but unknown Saigon American embassy nearly taken Took weeks to remove all of the VC invaders In the process Americans destroyed whole sections of Saigon Shock to the American public, why??

11 The Tet Offensive & Domestic Policies Counterattacks in Hue City taken by the VC for a month 10,000 soldiers and civilians killed in the fighting The VC arrested and murdered 3,000 civilians for cooperating with Americans Some Americans use this as justification for staying in the war Overall 165,000 Vietnamese civilians killed 2,000,000 homes destroyed American troops increased from 500,000 to 700,000 VC badly beaten, but can they take it??

12 The Tet Offensive & Domestic Policies Meanwhile…. The 1968 Election Anti-war Democrat – Eugene McCarthy Incumbent President – Lyndon Johnson Popular Democratic Challenger – Robert Kennedy Moderate Democratic Nominee – Hubert Humphrey “Peace with Honor” Republican – Richard Nixon Anti-Integrationist – Wallace

13 1968 – Who is who??

14 The Tet Offensive & Domestic Policies Review: What happened during the Tet Offensive? Why did it have a powerful effect on the American Public? What are three points made by anti-war protesters?

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