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Communication Channels in business. Aim: To understand the key features of email and online forum. PDP: Knowledge: To be able to explain how email systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Communication Channels in business. Aim: To understand the key features of email and online forum. PDP: Knowledge: To be able to explain how email systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication Channels in business. Aim: To understand the key features of email and online forum. PDP: Knowledge: To be able to explain how email systems work so that they can become an effective communication channel. Skills: To be able to search the internet effectively. To be able to explain the key features of gmail as a communication medium and write a script suitable for the target audience. Evidence:. Podcast script written. Achieved by the end of period 5 next Tuesday ready to record on 30 th September Starter task: How does email get transmitted from one PC to another?

2 Email and other forms of electronic communication explained Podcast Script: P6 1. Why email and other forms of electronic communication is important for ICTIB to operate effectively. (Communication with clients, suppliers and colleagues) 2. The key areas that the podcast is going to cover: Email, addresses, the use of cc and bcc, creating and organising labels, replying, filing and deleting messages. Conventions for writing email. Email problems e.g. too many. Prioritising including the use of stars and filters. Links: Office365 Podcast examples:

3 Scenario: ICTIB are concerned that their staff do not understand the correct way to lay out an email and to use email efficiently e.g. use cc and bcc. You have been asked by your line manager to produce a podcast to be downloaded by staff that will help them to use email more effectively. ● Produce a script to be used in your podcast. Introduction Instruction 1 Instruction 2 Instruction 3 etc Conclusion. Remember to use the company name in the introduction. Voice tone etc 2. Record your podcast using Audacity software. 3. Extras: intro music When complete share your script with your line manager(Mr Cox) include a brief note explaining you have chosen the content you have included.

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