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CHARACTERIZATION The process of revealing the personality of a character.

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1 CHARACTERIZATION The process of revealing the personality of a character

2 DIRECT CHARACTERIZATION  The author tells us directly what kind of personality the character has; whether the character is cruel, kind, etc.  We don’t have to decide for ourselves!  This requires no interpretation!

3 “The Necklace”  “She dressed plainly because she could not afford fine clothes, but was as unhappy as a woman who has come down in the world” (p. 208).

4 INDIRECT CHARACTERIZATION  The reader has to use his or her own judgment to decide what a character is like based on the evidence the writer gives us  There are 5 ways an author can reveal things about a character’s personality... S-T-E-A-L

5 S... SPEECH  The author allows us to hear the character speak and through those conversations we learn about the character’s personality

6 How would you describe a character who says…  “I stole the money from my Grandmother.”  “Loneliness seems to be taking over my life.”  “I can’t wait to go to school tomorrow!”

7 T... THOUGHTS  The author allows us to listen to the character’s inner thoughts and feelings

8 What if a character thinks…  Should I go talk to the boy? No. Well…maybe I should. Maybe not…  I wish I never said that in class. I feel so stupid right now. I bet everyone is staring at me.

9 E... EFFECT on Others  The author may reveal what other people in the story think or say about the character

10 A... ACTIONS  The author may show us what the character does— how he or she acts in certain situations

11 What if a character…  Pushes an elderly lady to the ground  Feeds a homeless person food  Cries continuously in every situation.

12 L... LOOKS  The author may describe how the character looks and dresses

13 What if a character…  Dresses like a bag lady?  Wears curlers in her hair and talks to herself?  Has hair down to his ankles and carries a guitar everywhere?

14 STATIC vs. DYNAMIC  A STATIC character does not change much throughout the story  A DYNAMIC character changes as a result of the story’s events

15 Static vs. Dynamic  Give an example of a static character.  Give an example of a dynamic character from the same storyline.

16 ROUND vs. FLAT  A FLAT character has only one or two traits; there is no depth to their character.  A ROUND character is one who is fully developed, like a real person with many character traits

17 Round vs. Flat  Give an example of a round vs. flat character from the same story.

18 MOTIVATION  The fears, conflicts or needs that drive a character

19 MOTIVES  What is Madame Loisel’s motive for borrowing jewels from Madame Forestier?  What is Madame Forestier’s motive in not telling Madame Loisel the truth about the jewels?  What is Madame Loisel’s motive in not telling Madame Forestier she lost the jewels?

20 Character Foils  A character who provides a striking contrast to another character; he or she draws attention to the traits possessed by the main character through contrast.  Who is a FOIL for Madame Loisel?

21  Describe the following characters with your knowledge of characterization







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