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Apologetics Evangelistic - Little Historical - McDowell Cultural - Schaeffer Philosophical - Plantinga.

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Presentation on theme: "Apologetics Evangelistic - Little Historical - McDowell Cultural - Schaeffer Philosophical - Plantinga."— Presentation transcript:

1 Apologetics Evangelistic - Little Historical - McDowell Cultural - Schaeffer Philosophical - Plantinga

2 Nature of Apologetics Historical Approach: Church Fathers Middle Ages Renaissance – Reformation Enlightenment Modern - Postmodern Five Areas: Scripture – Christ Personal Experience Rationality Social Experience Superior Value

3 Contemporary Methods Empiricism – Montgomery, McDowell Reason/Rationality – Geisler, Clark Theistic Proofs – Gerstner, Craig Presuppositionalism - Van Til, Frame Systematic Consistency – Carnell, Rahner

4 Building a Case John Montgomery * s Apologetic for Christ and the Bible. 1.The Gospels are tested critically and found historically trust­worthy. 2.From these sources we learn that Jesus made divine historical choices (miracles) and made divine claims for Himself (theology) based upon a particular forthcoming miracle (the resurrection).

5 Building a Case 3.The Gospels and other records attest to his resurrection. 4.The resurrection cannot be discounted a priori. 5.The reality of the resurrection confirms Christ * s deity.

6 Building a Case 6.Therefore, Christ spoke truth about the authority of the Bible as well as the meaning of His life and death and the nature and destiny of man. 7.The Bible stands as infallible based on Christ * s authority. 8.The truths of the Bible lay a claim on all reality for which people are morally accountable.

7 Historical Apologetics

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