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Service Proforma Middleware Workshop. Notes Please complete as much of this proforma as possible – it will help make the workshop more informative & productive.

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Presentation on theme: "Service Proforma Middleware Workshop. Notes Please complete as much of this proforma as possible – it will help make the workshop more informative & productive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Service Proforma Middleware Workshop

2 Notes Please complete as much of this proforma as possible – it will help make the workshop more informative & productive for us all. If you will be talking about more than one service feel free to add an overall architecture diagram showing the relationship between services. Also, please provide a motivation slide for developing/using the service set.

3 Service: GT4 GRAM GRAM provides a service interface to compute resources (clusters etc). Not yet available (first alpha at end of month) –URL: –License: Globus Toolkit Public License (BSD style) –Support: Will become fully supported with the release of GT 4.0 SOA Model:WS-RF

4 Service Operations (Factory) WS-ResourceProperties operations createManagedJob() –Description: –IN: Job description –OUT: EPR for created job resource

5 Service Operations (Service) WS-ResourceProperties operations WS-ResourceLifetime operations WS-BaseNotification NotificationProducer operations start() –Description: –IN: void –OUT: current state of job

6 What do you use to build your service? (i.e. How ‘standard’ is your service?) NB:A low score means less risk & more mainstream Widely Implemented Standard Specification (1pt) – Implemented draft specification (2pt) – Implemented draft specification (3pt) –<Specification in standards body but alternatives exist. Industry is divided. One/few implementations exist. (e.g., Transactions, coordination, notification, etc.). Implemented proposal (4pt) –An implementation of an idea, a proposal but not submitted to standards body yet (e.g., WS-Addressing, WS-Trust, etc.) Non-implemented proposal (5pt) – Concept (6pt) – TOTAL:

7 Service Dependencies What else does your service depend on (i.e. external dependencies)? –GT4 Core which in turn depends on a host of third party technologies (RDBMs etc) What does your implementation depend on? –Languages: Java, C, Perl –Container type: Web container/servlet

8 AAA & Security What authentication mechanism do you use? –Any provided by GT 4 Security (WS-Security: Username/Password, X.509 (w & w/o proxy certs) and GSI SecureConversation What authorisation mechanism do you use? –Any provided by GT 4 Security (identity, gridmap, self, CAS, callout, custom) What accounting mechanism do you use? –Deferred to scheduler implementation Does service interaction need to be encrypted? –No, but it can be If these are not used now, will they be in the future?

9 Exploiting the Service Architecture What features from your ‘plumbing’ do you use in your service? –Logging –Event notification –Lifetime management –Registry discovery/advertisement –State inspection –(probably more than that)

10 Service Activity Multiple interaction or single user? –multiple Throughput (1/per day or 100/per second?) –Depends/unknown Typical data volume moved in Typical data volume moved out

11 Service Failure Required Reliability –Failure semantics? Positive ack (two phase commit) Required Persistence –Work never lost? - Yes Required Availability –Should always be available

12 Required Service Management Remote access to: –Progress

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