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Help the Poor Math Student  Vocabulary Dividend: number being divided Divisor: number you are dividing by Quotient: is number you get when you divide.

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Presentation on theme: "Help the Poor Math Student  Vocabulary Dividend: number being divided Divisor: number you are dividing by Quotient: is number you get when you divide."— Presentation transcript:


2 Help the Poor Math Student 

3 Vocabulary Dividend: number being divided Divisor: number you are dividing by Quotient: is number you get when you divide Remainder: the number left over if it does not divide evenly Factors: the DIVISOR and QUOTIENT are FACTORS if there is no remainder

4 Steps for Dividing

5 Long Division Divide WITHOUT a calculator!! 1. 2.

6 Using Long Division on Polynomials




10 Remainder Theorem Remainder Theorem: If a polynomial P(x) is divided by (x – a), where a is a constant, then the remainder is P(a).

11 Using the Remainder Theorem Find P(-4) for P(x) = x 4 – 5x 2 + 4x + 12.

12 Is 7 a factor of 100?

13 Remainder Theorem Given some polynomial divided by (x – a), if the remainder is 0 then (x – a) is a FACTOR!

14 Is x – 1 a factor?

15 Is x – 3 a factor?

16 Exit Ticket On a half sheet of paper pick two of the four to divide. You must use synthetic division on one and polynomial long division on one!

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