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About Wikispaces Greenwich Public Schools Private Label: (Wiki about Wikis)

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Presentation on theme: "About Wikispaces Greenwich Public Schools Private Label: (Wiki about Wikis)"— Presentation transcript:

1 About Wikispaces Greenwich Public Schools Private Label: (Wiki about Wikis) Presentation by Fran Kompar Credits: Wikispaces tutorial adapted from SlideShare presentation By Jennifer Dorman @

2 Why use wikis?

3 What are wikis? A wiki is a collaborative, virtual space which allows a group of people to share, explore and discuss information on a specific topic, issue and ongoing work. In the simplest terms, a wiki is a web page that allows anyone with permissions to edit, post documents or post or reply to discussion topics.

4 Step 1: Access the Wiki Go to the wiki through a browser by going to the URL given to you. For example, Greenwich Public Schools has a “private label” wiki at: (home page) Other Greenwich wikis: (Transdisciplinary Curriculum Committee wiki) (Universal Design Classroom wikis)

5 STEP 2: Sign In To Wikispaces

6 Sign In To Wikispaces Use the user name and password you created. Or, if joining for the first time, you’ll need to create a username/password.

7 Options in Wikispaces Explore the Wiki (as with any website) Edit a Page. Post to the Discussions on any Page. Add a Discussion topic. View the history of changes/edits. Get advanced: add a video, hyperlink, slide show, blog or other.

8 Option 1: Click Edit This Page To edit a page, choose this button

9 The Editing Toolbar Will Appear

10 Basic Editing Functions 1. Bold 2. Italicize 3. Underline 4. Text Color, Alignment, & Shading 5. Font Size 6. Numbered List 7. Bulleted List 8. Insert Horizontal Line 9. Insert Hyperlink (URL) 10. Remove Hyperlink (URL) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 Advanced Editing Functions 1. Insert images and files 2. Embed widgets 3. Insert table 4. Insert special characters 5. Insert code 1 2 3 4 5

12 Inserting Images and Documents 1. Click on the Tree icon 2. Click Browse to locate your document and Upload to add it to the wiki server 3. Select if you want the document to be inserted as a file icon or as a hyperlink 4. Place your mouse on the page where you want your document to appear 5. Double click on the document’s icon on the menu 1 2 3 5

13 Inserting Hyperlinks To insert a hyperlink to a page in your wiki or to an outside Internet page: Highlight the text Click on the Insert Link icon

14 Hyperlinking To A Wiki Page Check “Wiki Link” and select the appropriate page name from the pull- down menu

15 Hyperlinking To An External Link Check “External Link” and paste the URL of the outside web page.

16 Click on the Embed Widget icon Select the icon that corresponds to the widget type you are inserting. If you cannot find an appropriate icon, select Other HTML. Paste the Embed HTML code from your widget into the text field and click Save. (see next slide for image) Inserting Dynamic HTML - Widgets


18 Saving Page Edits After you have completed your edits, notes, and tags, click Save.

19 Option 2: Post to a Discussion Board What is a discussion board/forum? Discussion forums are created as part of Wikis or as an individual threaded discussion – all dedicated to specific topics, issues or around ongoing work. 1. Threaded Discussion – This allows for discussions to begin and continue over long periods of times as participants respond to questions and comments. 2. Chat Discussions – This allows for a real-time discussion or conversation.

20 Open the Discussion Tab Select the page you’d like to post, reply or view discussion comments. Click on Discussion tab.

21 Creating Discussion Topics

22 Click on a Topic to Open It

23 Replying to a Discussion Topic

24 Managing Your Wiki It is possible to track the history and changes made to a wiki both on the pages as well as the discussions. This is helpful in seeing the progression of ideas.

25 Tracking Changes To track page edits and discussions, click on the Recent Changes link located above your navigation menu. You can view page edits as well as new discussion messages. You can elect to be notified every time a change is made to your wiki.

26 Tracking Changes – Page Edits

27 Tracking Changes – Discussions

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