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Passport to Science MSP Science Program Indianapolis Public Schools.

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1 Passport to Science MSP Science Program Indianapolis Public Schools

2 Passport To Science  2004-5 ISTEP+ Gr. 5 Science Indiana Ave. – 54% IPS Grant Schools Average Mastery Scores in Science 2003-4 ISTEP+ Grade 5 – 20% 2004-5 ISTEP+ Grade 5 - 22%

3 Passport to Science  Areas of Concern Determined to have High Impact - Prior professional development had been fragmented, based on introducing strategies. Data determined PD need for science content and strategies. - Time for science instruction was limited due to priority of language arts and math. - Little building level planning was done for science.

4 Passport to Science  What behaviors represent the desired change?  Teacher professional growth - teachers can recognize quality science - teacher content knowledge has improved - teacher implementation of research-based science strategies has increased.

5 Passport to Science What behaviors represent the desired change?  More minutes each week are spent in science instruction.  School plans are in place for ongoing science improvement.

6 Recognizing Quality Science: Program Elements  Year round professional development program. 1. Summer Immersion Week in Investigative Science Modeled everything a teacher would do in class during a week of science. 2. Summer Content Week Demystifying Science Content

7 Recognizing Quality Science: Program Elements  Model Science Lessons Developed - Semi-scripted lessons modeling research- based science instruction were made available to teachers. - Investigation - Structured Observation - Concept development

8 Recognizing and Implementing Quality Science: Program Elements  Imbedded Professional Development - Teachers met at school by grade level for 1 ½ hr. with substitute support once a quarter. - Quality instruction from summer was modeled, teachers discussed implementation of lessons, planned further instruction as a group.

9 Teacher Content Knowledge: Program Elements  Content focus in Workshop.  Background content provided at each imbedded session.  Access to science staff/university for content questions.

10 Minutes of Science Instruction  School and District administrators agreed to participate.  Model lessons were designed to be implemented in 40 min. segments three sessions per week.

11 Teacher Instructional Improvement  Anecdotal information after each professional development session - Daily reflections each day of workshop - Daily reflection each day of imbedded PD. Use of Evaluation Tool RTOP (Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol) – observations, interview with teachers and students.

12 Passport to Science  Changes in Student Performance: 2005- 2008 10 IPS Elementary Schools - 3 Primary Grant Schools – 20-35% improvement in mastery - 7 schools – 10-25% improvement in mastery

13 Passport to Science  Changes in Teacher Content Understanding and Performance 2005-2008 - Content understanding improved 50% in areas assessed by pre and post assessments. - Implementation of quality science improved on 16 of 21 parameters.

14 Lessons Learned  Implement strategies that align with the school district culture.  Repeat a few critical strategies at every opportunity.  Assure that strategies are embedded in work teachers are engaged in daily.

15 Passport to Science  For Further Information contact: Susan Becker Administrator for Science Education Indianapolis Pubic Schools Phone: 317 226-3527 E-mail:

16 The instructional practices and assessments discussed or shown in this presentation are not intended as an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education.

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