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Horst Schindler Vukovar, December 12, 2012 Danube Commission, Budapest Selected Activities of the Danube Commission Steps towards sustainable Mobility.

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Presentation on theme: "Horst Schindler Vukovar, December 12, 2012 Danube Commission, Budapest Selected Activities of the Danube Commission Steps towards sustainable Mobility."— Presentation transcript:

1 Horst Schindler Vukovar, December 12, 2012 Danube Commission, Budapest Selected Activities of the Danube Commission Steps towards sustainable Mobility

2 DISC ‘12 Vukovar, December 12, 2012 Masterplan for achieving recommended fairway parameters Joint Statement – Annex 3 Recommendations on Parameters of Fairway Boatmaster‘s certificates Projects related to the GIS Forum and NEWADA duo Overview

3 Masterplan for achieving recommended fairway parameters Basis Belgrade Convention TEN-T priority areas Waterway Classification Reports of Memberstates Structure Introduction Status Quo Development of Infrastructure Identification of priority areas Masterplan Structure follows Classification Bridgs and fairway distinguished Fields of action General descriptions of projects Adopted through Decision DK/TAG 77/13 from the 25th December 2011 DISC ‘12 Vukovar, December 12, 2012

4 Joint Statement a guiding document for the maintenance of the current inland navigation the planning and the investments in future infrastructure and environmental protection projects the development of a ‚Programme of Measures‘ DISC ‘12 Vukovar, December 12, 2012

5 Joint Statement an approach towards integrated and interdisciplinary planning public communication and stakeholder involvement sustainable infrastructure projects DISC ‘12 Vukovar, December 12, 2012

6 Joint Statement 4. Joint Statement Follow Up Meeting Budapest, September 17-18, 2012 updated Annex 3 (List of Projects) in compliance with EUSDR DISC ‘12 Vukovar, December 12, 2012

7 Recommendations on Parameters of Fairway Basis Analysis of the waterway Demands and needs of IWT Sustainability Structure Introduction Definitions Specific Chapters and Paragraphs etc. Adopted through Decision DK/TAG 77/13 from the 25th December 2011 in Force from the 1st of January 2013 Result Harmonized draught conditions Flexibility of major parameters Focus on Safety DISC ‘12 Vukovar, December 12, 2012

8 DISC ‘12 Vukovar, December 12, 2012 Boatmaster‘s certificates harmonisation process finished adopted with Decision DK/TAG 77/8 (15.XII. 2011) in force starting from 1st of January 2013

9 DISC ‘12 Vukovar, December 12, 2012 Projects related to the GIS Forum and NEWADA duo Paper Navigational Chart Atlas of Berths

10 Paper Navigational Chart look and feel like ENCs A4 format, Ringbook easy production procedure up dates D4D necessary content of the ‚carte de pilotage‘ more infos tomorrow DISC ‘12 Vukovar, December 12, 2012

11 German proposal standardized procedure collection of information more infos tomorrow ;) Atlas of Berths DISC ‘12 Vukovar, December 12, 2012

12 Thank you for your attention Horst Schindler Counsellor for issues related to the maintenance of the fairway Danube Commission Benczúr utca 25 1068 Budapest DISC ‘12 Vukovar, December 12, 2012

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