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CLEO cache box training session Getting started with your CLEO cache

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1 CLEO cache box training session Getting started with your CLEO cache

2 Setting the scene CLEO responded to DfES encouraging schools to look at local caching. Schools did not have the time to do the evaluation of the different boxes. Why did CLEO provide the cache boxes? With one cache solution for all schools CLEO/LEAs would be able to provide consistent support for the schools. CLEO wanted to give all schools the opportunity to start to evaluate what was meant by broadband content (including ISDN schools) to prepare schools for developments in content taking place i.e. access to high quality video, images, activities etc. CLEO responded to schools requests through the two LEAs asking about purchasing Espresso at reduced cost. If schools had purchased a cache box individually they would have paid about £ 1,500 and £ 6.00 per pupil for Espresso. CLEO was able to secure a very good deal for 950 schools.

3 What happens if………… Your first point of contact for any problems with your cache box is your LEA support, Jeff Haslam (Cumbria 07967 050356) The Westfield Centre Lancashire (01772 623222). If your cache box plays a tune to you, don ’ t panic, its only updating. All CLEO cache boxes should be plugged into port 10 on the router so they can be seen it and monitored by Lancaster University Network Services (LUNS) Do not move the cache box near to heat it will CRASH!!!! The cache box does make a slight noise due to the number of fans inside, don ’ t worry, this is normal. If for some reason you have to move any of the CLEO equipment (not just the cache box) the CLEO Office need to know about it. (01524 592800).

4 Looking ahead The cache boxes have been purchased by CLEO and are an extension of the CLEO Network. CLEO is funded through the DfES and the two LEA’s (Grant 31B broad band fund). The cache box has a 3 year warranty What happens after the 3 years? Technology will have moved on by then. CLEO will be monitoring the changes and will be considering what needs to happen, schools will be informed. There is a cache box group which regularly meets at CLEO to discuss issues/developments etc

5 Adding content If you are purchasing other additional content (e.g. Knowledge box) it is advisable to check the process for adding this to the box, with your LEA support. To date 710 out of 850 CLEO schools have re-subscribed to the Espresso content for an additional year. The applications are still coming in. The cost for Espresso content for next year will be £2.00 per pupil (subsidised by the CLEO project). If for any reason the box has to be swapped out, the only content, which the warranty covers for replacement, is Espresso, (provided that the school have continued to subscribe to the content). Web sites can be cached or stored for later use. CLEO cache box is about 120GB in size, Espresso currently takes up about 40 GB of content.

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