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  Quietly & Independently complete or study “ Fascism in Italy ” packet for three minutes.  Quiz Tomorrow!!!!!!  1 minute to ask partner questions.

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Presentation on theme: "  Quietly & Independently complete or study “ Fascism in Italy ” packet for three minutes.  Quiz Tomorrow!!!!!!  1 minute to ask partner questions."— Presentation transcript:

1   Quietly & Independently complete or study “ Fascism in Italy ” packet for three minutes.  Quiz Tomorrow!!!!!!  1 minute to ask partner questions over packet-decision making!!! Directions

2 Objective I can evaluate how the consequences of World War I and the worldwide depression set the stage for the rise of totalitarianism.

3   1. Explain the objective in your own words. Partner Question

4   In Italy, the global depression created a political power struggle that was won by the Fascists.  Fascism is a form of government that promotes extreme nationalism, devotion to an authoritarian leader, and one-party rule.  Government becomes the ally of wealthy aristocrats, large landowners, and owners of big businesses. Italy

5   2. What led to unrest in Italy?  3. What is fascism? Partner Questions

6 Italy The leader of the fascist party was Benito Mussolini. Wearing a military uniform in public, he spoke at mass rallies to gather support for his government.

7   4. Who is the leader of the fascist party in Italy? Partner Question

8 Italy An enthusiastic orator, Mussolini promised Italy would return to the glory days of the Roman Empire. This goal, he claimed, would be achieved by building up Italy’s industrial power and by military conquest abroad.

9   5. What was Mussolini’s goal for Italy?  6. How was he going to achieve this goal? Partner Questions

10 Italy Mussolini took power in 1922, when 33,000 Fascists [Blackshirts] marched on Rome, the Italian capital.

11   7. What took place to allow Mussolini to gain power? Partner Question

12 Italy The Italian king, Victor Emmanuel III, was forced to declare Mussolini the legitimate leader of Italy.

13 Italy Mussolini took the title Il Duce, or “the Leader.”

14   8. What was Mussolini’s title? Partner Question

15 Italy The Fascists established a totalitarian state. They outlawed all other political parties, seized radio stations and newspapers, and set up a secret police force. V for Vendetta Italian Fascist Headquarters Inspiration for which movie?

16   9. What kind of government did the fascists establish in Italy?  10. What did the fascists do when they seized power in Italy to control both public and private life of all citizens? [3] Partner Questions

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