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Take out a sheet of notebook paper and create a three-column chart for vocabulary Unit 7.

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Presentation on theme: "Take out a sheet of notebook paper and create a three-column chart for vocabulary Unit 7."— Presentation transcript:

1 Take out a sheet of notebook paper and create a three-column chart for vocabulary Unit 7.

2 Vocabulary chart due tomorrow. Vocabulary quiz for Unit 7 will be Monday, April 15 th.

3 Vocabulary wordSynonymsPicture or sentence

4 abhor

5 One must amend their bad habits before they define who they are.

6  Unusual snowstorms buffet the Midwest during the spring months.

7 Mass chaos could erupt if we don’t have some kind of order in our day.

8  One would expect this yacht to be very commodious due to its size.

9  Certain foods could be corrosive to your body if consumed in excess.


11 .  Owls are rare birds that are still extant in the United States.

12  Over the years, there has been collected evidence to implicate Lance Armstrong with the use of enhancement drugs.

13 It is a custom in America to inter the dead once they leave this earth.

14 Mr. Whitehead is the least of strict disciplinarians; he’s a taskmaster, but definitely not considered a martinet.

15 Vaccinations can do much to obviate dangers of childhood illnesses.

16 The new ruler of North Korea may result in many political figures to defect their country and consider themselves renegades.

17 The driver’s comments toward the veteran are thoughtless reprehensible.

18 Romeo appeared to be in such a somber mood as he contemplated Rosaline's love for him.

19 Living in such squalid conditions could be devastating.

20 The storm has caused turbulent conditions among the sea.

21 With his keen fashion sense and vociferous voice, the boy was on his way to be a rock star.

22 The baked good from this baker are known to be voluminous and delicious.


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