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Lines in the Sand: The Borders of Israel and Palestine through the Years Peter A. Pettit, IJCU Muhlenberg College First Friday 9 January 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Lines in the Sand: The Borders of Israel and Palestine through the Years Peter A. Pettit, IJCU Muhlenberg College First Friday 9 January 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lines in the Sand: The Borders of Israel and Palestine through the Years Peter A. Pettit, IJCU Muhlenberg College First Friday 9 January 2009

2 Lines in the Sand: The Borders of Israel and Palestine through the Years


4 Divided Monarchy United Monarchy

5 Lines in the Sand: The Borders of Israel and Palestine through the Years

6 Emperor Hadrian (76-138 CE) following Bar Kochba revolt, plows under the Temple declares “Judea Capta” (on coins of the time) bars Jews from the city of Jerusalem names the region “Palestina”

7 Lines in the Sand: The Borders of Israel and Palestine through the Years Roman Empire ~ 395 CE

8 Lines in the Sand: The Borders of Israel and Palestine through the Years Ottoman Palestine

9 Lines in the Sand: The Borders of Israel and Palestine through the Years






15 Separation Barrier

16 Lines in the Sand: The Borders of Israel and Palestine through the Years

17 6 Key Moments through the Years Biblical Period – Peleshet & Israel 135 CE – Hadrian chooses “Palestina” 1922 – League of Nations Palestine Mandate 1964-74 – Modern Palestinian political emergence 1946-48 Jordan, Partition, Modern Israel 2000 – Camp David and Clinton Parameters

18 Lines in the Sand: The Borders of Israel and Palestine through the Years

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