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Rudiments of Trees a Joshua presentation DATA STRUCTURES.

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Presentation on theme: "Rudiments of Trees a Joshua presentation DATA STRUCTURES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rudiments of Trees a Joshua presentation DATA STRUCTURES

2 What is a tree? Tree is a non-linear data structure used to represent data containing a hierarchical relationship between themselves. Eg. Family trees A BC DEFGH I  A tree is a special type of graph that contains no cycles. Definition Binary Tree

3 What is a binary tree? A binary tree is a tree in which every node has not more than 2 children. Terminology A BC DEFGH I nodes root node leaves A BC DEFG I parent children

4 Binary Search Tree What is a binary search tree? A binary search tree is a binary tree in which each node N is greater than every node in the left sub-tree and less than every node in the right sub-tree. 25 1550 10203055 17N > N < N

5 Creating a Binary Search Tree Consider the following list : 38 14 56 45 8 82 23 18 70 20 How do we create a binary search tree out of this list? 38 Place 38 as the root 14 14 < 38 56 56 > 38 45 45 > 38 and < 56 23 18 20 82 70 8 8 < 38, < 14 82 > 38, > 56 23 14 18 14, < 23 70 > 38, > 56, < 82 20 14, 18

6 Creating a Binary Search Tree - Creating a Binary Search Tree - Algorithm Left INFO Right X INFO X Root_node ROOT Struct Node Struct Node Root, Current, Parent; { int INFO; Struct Node *Left, *Right; };  A binary tree can be implemented using a linked list

7 Creating a Binary Search Tree - Creating a Binary Search Tree - Algorithm Root 38 5614 45 Current Parent Root = malloc(); While (there is a new number to be added) { Current = Root; Do { Parent = Current; If ( Next_no > Current  INFO ) {Current = Current  Right; Flag = 0;} else {Current = Current  Left; Flag = 1;} } while (Current != NULL); if (Flag = = 1) Ptr = Parent  Left = malloc(); else Ptr = Parent  Right = malloc(); Ptr  INFO = Next_no; Ptr  Left = Ptr  Right = NULL; } Root  INFO = 1 st no; Root  Left=Root  Right= NULL; Let the list be 38, 56, 14, 45

8 Thank you

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