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SCARCITY & DECISION MAKING Notes. THE BASIC ECONOMIC PROBLEM  Scarcity  Not having enough resources to satisfy every need  Requires Economic Decision-Making.

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Presentation on theme: "SCARCITY & DECISION MAKING Notes. THE BASIC ECONOMIC PROBLEM  Scarcity  Not having enough resources to satisfy every need  Requires Economic Decision-Making."— Presentation transcript:


2 THE BASIC ECONOMIC PROBLEM  Scarcity  Not having enough resources to satisfy every need  Requires Economic Decision-Making  Scarcity forces individuals, businesses, and governments to make choices

3 MAKING A CHOICE  Economic Decision-Making  process of choosing which wants, among several options, will be satisfied  Trade-off  when you give up something to have something else  Opportunity cost  the value of the next-best alternative that you did not choose

4 SUPPLY & DEMAND Consumers Demand Producers Supply  Consumer  person who buys and uses goods and services  Consumers set Demand  the quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to buy  Producers  individuals and organizations that determine what products and services will be available for sale  Producers set Supply  the quantity of a good or service that businesses are willing and able to provide

5 THE CONSUMER DECISION MAKING PROCESS Define the problem. Identify the choices. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each choice. Choose one choice. Act on your choice. Review your decision.

6 ON YOUR OWN  Create a 6 slide comic strip illustrating the Economic Decision Making process.

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