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Col. Siriporn Poonchai Deputy Director of Academic Division Maj. Ong-on Prajankett Nursing Instructor Col. Hatairat Kaoaiem Academic Nursing Officer, The.

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Presentation on theme: "Col. Siriporn Poonchai Deputy Director of Academic Division Maj. Ong-on Prajankett Nursing Instructor Col. Hatairat Kaoaiem Academic Nursing Officer, The."— Presentation transcript:

1 Col. Siriporn Poonchai Deputy Director of Academic Division Maj. Ong-on Prajankett Nursing Instructor Col. Hatairat Kaoaiem Academic Nursing Officer, The Royal Thai Army Nursing College

2  Healthy refer to physical, mental, or moral health  and well-being  Lifestyle, environment and atmosphere affect to health status  Being healthy : Integration between social, atmosphere and environment including promote appropriate health behavior

3  Continuing Disease prevention and Health promotion are the process of success to be healthy  Ministry of Defense has the health promotion policy and focusing on “ Healthy Military”  Health screening is one the most important policy to be followed, annually check up for all military personnel has been taken place

4  Conducted since 2011


6  The result found that more than 20 percent of personnel had BMI more than 23 kg/m 2.  More that 5 percent had BMI more than 30 k g/m 2

7  Moreover, around 14 percent had high cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.

8  Never exercise 13.82 percent  Drinking Alcohol pattern  Often drink 56.96 percent  Usually drink 10.33 percent  Smoking 28.28 percent Risk Health Behavior found that

9 can be cured if changing their behavior Working environment adaptation RTANC set up the program to reduce the risk of preventable diseases

10 Health Screening Assessment for Conducting Non-communicable Disease Prevention Program

11 From Health Screening Program : Risk to Obesity DM HT and Cardiovascular disease 25 Risk Personals enrolled All of them signed the agreement forms and making a commitment. Productivity activities have been created by their own in order to continuing good daily life.

12 We focus on three health behaviors -called “3 Self” which academically accepted as dominant predictors of various health behaviors (Ungsinan, 2009)

13 about 3 self of healthy Self – regulation Self – efficacy (Bandura, 1986 ) Self – care (Orem,1991)

14 - The main model - The development of health interventions for increasing 3 Self

15  P – Positive reinforcement  R – Result Base Management  O – Optimism  M – Motivation  I – Individual or Client centered  Se – Self – esteems

16 Exercise training Individual and Group counselling Advice and Monitoring Having the good model Sharing experience Demonstrations Participatory learning Network and self help group

17 80 percent of volunteers: Higher score of Self – regulation, Self – efficacy, Self – care 60 Percent of volunteers Reduced BMI 60 percent of volunteers : Reduced FBS 80 percent of volunteers satisfied the activities in good and excellent level Objectives

18 Period: April 2015-September 2016 Area: The Royal Thai Army Nursing College

19 Team building Announce for volunteer Meeting with Commander Meeting with volunteer

20 1 st Period Self Assessment 3 Self questionnaire Seminar and training for Self learning and 3s/PROMISE Concept

21 2 nd Period Training for food and exercise Public relation for health information Group activities 2 times/week Selected group leader Motivation and reward

22 Questionnaires for health behavior measurement Questionnaires for Satisfaction In-depth Interview Lesson Learnt of Best Practice to be a Knowledge Management “gold standard” Summarize and Report


24  At present, the program only has conducted for 2 months.  Most of volunteer have been changing their daily life style and having the better working performance.

25  Working environment has been changed following health promoting policy.  The outcome of the program will be evaluated in the next 4 month.


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