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School to work employment plan. Assignment Choose a career in the horticulture industry Consider high school academic courses, horticulture and other.

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Presentation on theme: "School to work employment plan. Assignment Choose a career in the horticulture industry Consider high school academic courses, horticulture and other."— Presentation transcript:

1 School to work employment plan

2 Assignment Choose a career in the horticulture industry Consider high school academic courses, horticulture and other education courses, supporting electives, and other education after high school and work experience needed Creat a career development plan based upon career objectieves Determine factors for that career

3 Factors for your career Pay and location Skills required Personal contact Working conditions Working hours Retirement and other benefits Opportunities for promotion

4 Steps in choosing a career “Consider your interests, abilities, and other characteristics” should be the first step Narrow the field of jobs Study the requirement of the job – get good information Plan for alternative occupations – the first choice may not work out Prepare a plan for career preparation – early career planning can help you take the right courses in high school Be willing to pay the price for success – education, dedication Get work experience – SAE, coop., part-time job

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