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Week 3 Lab1 Review on Database Dina A. Said

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1 Week 3 Lab1 Review on Database Dina A. Said

2 Next Week (T1 & T2 only)  Next Monday  Lab Quiz #2 on Databases  Current Wednesday  “Week 1 Lab 2” of Problem Solving  Thanks for TA Paul for Today slides

3 Uploading Data from Excel  Got to the "External Data" tab and then select from the Import section Excel. 1/21/2009CPSC203- Week2- Lab13

4 1/21/2009CPSC203- Week2- Lab14

5 Review for Lab Quiz #2  Create a new database named Stuff.

6 Review for Lab Quiz #2  Create a table called Orders with the fields: OrderID, ProductID, SalespersonName, SalesDate, Quantity and SellingPricePerPiece.  What is the primary key?  Data type for ProductID?  Data type for SalespersonName?  Data type for SalesDate?

7 To Create a new Table 1. Choose Tab Create  Table 2. Write click on the table name to choose the design view 3. Start writing variables Names and types  Notes:  Choose the unique variable to be primary key  To make a variable primary key: choose the variable, right click  primary key  Primary key variable is the one with yellow key to its left  If you are required to enter values for ID, make its type number instead of autonumber 1/21/2009CPSC203- Week2- Lab17

8 Review for Lab Quiz #2  Create a table called Products with the fields ProductID, PName, PurchaseDate, Supplier and PurchasePricePerPiece.  What relationships might be required?

9 To create a relationship 1. Choose tab Database Tools 2. Choose relationships 3. Choose both tables 4. To make a relationship between variable A and variable B I. Drag variable A from the first table to variable B in the second table II. A box will appear to you with the relationship variables III. Make sure that variables names are correct and then press ok 1/21/2009CPSC203- Week2- Lab19

10 Review for Lab Quiz #2  Set the default quantity in the Orders table to 0.  How? 1. Open the Design view of the required table 2. Choose the variable that you want to set its default value 3. Set default value in the bottom box

11 Review for Lab Quiz #2  Add the following records to the products table:  ProductID: 10089, PName: Bath Salts, PurchaseDate: 10/20/2008, Supplier: Bath and Beyond, PurchasePricePerPiece: $2  ProductID: 10768, PName: Shower Gel, PurchaseDate: 10/1/2008, Supplier: Lush, PurchasePricePerPiece: $4.50  ProductID: 10769, PName: Shampoo, PurchaseDate: 10/1/2007, Supplier: Lush, PurchasePricePerPiece: $8

12 Review for Lab Quiz #2  Add the following data to the orders table: 1/21/2009CPSC203- Week2- Lab112 orders orderIDproductID salesManNa me quantityorderDate sellingPriceP erPiece 110089John Smith211/1/20095 210769Lora Bill112/1/200910 310768Sandra smith105/1/20099 410768John Smith52/1/20095

13 Review for Lab Quiz #2  Create a query named query_1 that displays all the information from both tables.  How? 1. Choose create tab  Query Wizard 2. Choose simple Query wizard 3. Choose both tables 4. Choose which fields you want to be displayed using > 5. If you want to not show a certain field after choosing it, use < 6. Rename the query as required

14 Review for Lab Quiz #2  Create a query named query_2, using query_1, that displays all fields in both tables, but limit the query to the Supplier "Lush".  How? 1. Creating the query using simple query wizard to select all fields from query-1 2. Open the query in the design view 3. In the suppler field, set the criteria to “Lush” 4. You can check SQL by right-click and choose Show SQL

15 Review for Lab Quiz #2  Create an aggregate query named query_3. Group the query using SalesPersonName and calculate the Average quantity he/she sells

16 How to create Aggregate query? 1. Create the query using simple query wizard and choose only salesPersonName and quantity 2. Open the query in the design view 3. Choose Totals 4. You will find a new row added named total and the word GroupBy is written for both fields 5. For Quantity, change the word GroupBy to be Sum so that the sum of Quantity is displayed 6. Don’t forget to check SQL 1/21/2009CPSC203- Week2- Lab116

17 Review for Lab Quiz #2  Create a new query query_4, that displays all information in table products. Then, create a new field called RevenueAmount. This should be calculated by Quantity*SellingPricePerPiece.  How?  Create the Query using the simple query wizard  Display SQL of query_4  Add to the select statement the following: Select …., Quantity*SellingPricePerPiece as RevenueAmount

18 Review for Lab Quiz #2  In query_4, create a new field called Status. This should display "Profit" if SellingPricePerPiece>PurchasePricePerPiece, "Breakeven" if they were equal and "Loss" otherwise.  First, write the expression in English statements  if SellingPricePerPiece>PurchasePricePerPiece Status=profit  Else if SellingPricePerPiece=PurchasePricePerPiece Status=equal  Else Status=loss

19 How to make If statement?  Go to the design view of the query  Add anthoer field as:  Status:IIF(SellingPricePerPiece>PurchasePricePerPiece, ”Profit”, IIF(if SellingPricePerPiece=PurchasePricePerPiece, “Equal”,”Loss)) 1/21/2009CPSC203- Week2- Lab119

20 Review for Lab Quiz #2  Create a crosstab query from query_1. Let the rows show the SalesPersonName, the columns show the product name, and calculate the sum of Quantity.  How?  Choose Create  Query Wizard  Crosstab query  Choose query  query1  Select SalesPersonName in rows  Select ProductName in column  Select quantity as data and sum as function (on the right)

21  Notes  Take care which fields are required to be rows and which fields are required to be columns  Take care which function is required to be calculated; avg, sum, max, etc… 1/21/2009CPSC203- Week2- Lab121

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