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Seasons From Heaven in 2011 “Facing the Seasons of our Lives with Faith!” Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 Whole is Our Goal!

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Presentation on theme: "Seasons From Heaven in 2011 “Facing the Seasons of our Lives with Faith!” Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 Whole is Our Goal!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Seasons From Heaven in 2011 “Facing the Seasons of our Lives with Faith!” Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 Whole is Our Goal!

2 Our Theme: Seasons From Heaven in 2011 Our Motto: “Facing the Seasons of Our Lives with Faith!” Today’s Message: The Season of Abundance Genesis 41: 25-32

3 The Season of Abundance Genesis 41: 25-32 Abundance: A season characterized by an overflow of things. Usually the overflow comes in the form of money or physical items. This is a time of reaping where someone has favored you or you have just won a lawsuit. Maybe some money came as a result of a car accident or a loved one left you a lump sum.

4 Enjoy some today but save some for tomorrow! Thesis: Enjoy some today but save some for tomorrow! The Season of Abundance Genesis 41: 25-32 Abundance: A great or plenteous amount. Fullness to overflowing. A season characterized by an overflow of things. Usually the overflow comes in the form of money or physical items.

5 Thesis: Enjoy some today but save some for tomorrow! Thesis: : Enjoy some today but save some for tomorrow! When you have an abundance:  Acknowledge your source and enjoy it.  Acknowledge your savings.  Acknowledge your sowing.

6 Thesis: Enjoy some today but save some for tomorrow! Thesis: : Enjoy some today but save some for tomorrow!  Acknowledge your source and enjoy it. Source: One that causes, creates, or initiates, a maker. The point at which something springs into being or from which it derives or is obtained. Enjoy: To receive pleasure or satisfaction from. To have the use or benefit from.

7 Thesis: Enjoy some today but save some for tomorrow! Thesis: : Enjoy some today but save some for tomorrow!  Acknowledge your savings. Save: To avoid spending so as to keep or accumulate. To set aside for futre use. Savings: A fund of money put away as a reserve. Reserve: Something kept back for future use or a special purpose.

8 Thesis: Enjoy some today but save some for tomorrow!  Acknowledge your sowing. Sow: To scatter seed over the ground for growing. Sowing: The act of scattering.

9 Thesis: Enjoy some today but save some for tomorrow! Thesis: : Enjoy some today but save some for tomorrow! Scenario # 1 You begin with $500.00. Each month you add $50.00 to it for 20 years @ 2%. You will save a total of: $15,485.51 You contributed: $12,500.00 You earned: $2,985.51

10 Thesis: Enjoy some today but save some for tomorrow! Thesis: : Enjoy some today but save some for tomorrow! Scenario # 2 You begin with $1,00.00. Each month you add $100.00 to it for 20 years @ 2%. You will save a total of: $30,971.01 You contributed: $25,000.00 You earned: $5,971.01

11 Thesis: Enjoy some today but save some for tomorrow! Thesis: : Enjoy some today but save some for tomorrow! Scenario # 3 You begin with $2,000.00. Each month you add $200.00 to it for 20 years @ 2%. You will save a total of: $61,942.02 You contributed: $50,000.00 You earned: $11.942.02

12 Thesis: Enjoy some today but save some for tomorrow! Thesis: : Enjoy some today but save some for tomorrow! Scenario # 4 You begin with $5,000.00. Each month you add $200.00 to it for 20 years @ 2%. You will save a total of: $66,416.01 You contributed: $53,000.00 You earned: $13,416.01

13 Thesis: Enjoy some today but save some for tomorrow! In Conclusion: 1. “Riches do not consist in the possession of treasures but in the use made of them.” Napoleon Bonaparte 2.“Success is getting what you want. Happiness is liking what you get.” Jackson Brown

14 Thesis: Enjoy some today but save some for tomorrow! In Conclusion: 3.“We can tell our values by looking at our checkbook stubs.” Gloria Steinem 4.“The expert at anything was once a beginner.” -Hayes 5.“Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.” Henry Ford

15 Seasons From Heaven in 2011 “Facing the Seasons of our Lives with Faith!” Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 Whole is Our Goal!

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