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High School 101 Tardy Policy Wednesday, August 20 th, 7 th period.

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Presentation on theme: "High School 101 Tardy Policy Wednesday, August 20 th, 7 th period."— Presentation transcript:

1 High School 101 Tardy Policy Wednesday, August 20 th, 7 th period

2 High School 101: Tardiness Tardiness is an issue which can negatively impact your education. Tardiness showcases a lack of discipline and an attitude of apathy toward school. Tardiness is an undesirable trait for the workforce and can ultimately lead to your termination from employment in the future. Begin developing appropriate traits for work now.

3 High School 101: Tardy Policy The following consequences are administered on a yearly basis. 1 st through 2 nd Tardy : The classroom teacher will issue a verbal warning. 3 rd Tardy : The teacher will have two-way communication with the parent/legal guardian and will document communication in Power School

4 High School 101: Tardy Policy 5 th Tardy : The student will be assigned in-school suspension (ISS). 10 th Tardy : The student will be assigned in-school suspension (ISS) and a parent must meet with the student’s administrator.

5 High School 101: Tardy Policy 15 th Tardy: The student will be assigned out-of- school suspension (OSS) and a parent must meet with the student’s administrator. 20 th Tardy : The student will be assigned OSS and referred to SCiP with proof of enrollment before returning. o SCIP is a counseling program by the Dorchester County Alcohol and Drug Commission.

6 High School 101: Tardy Policy Please Note: The student will be given one day out-of-school suspension for each additional set of 5 tardies. Parking privileges will be revoked from students with repeat tardy issues.

7 High School 101: Tardy Policy You are responsible for planning your restroom and locker needs within the time constraints of class change. Determine the best times to travel to your lockers so you are not late to class. Use the 50 minutes you have during lunch to use the restroom. You have 5 minutes to get from one class to the next. Get to class on time!

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