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Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) May 2011 Alison Wynn, Assistant Director of Knowledge Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) May 2011 Alison Wynn, Assistant Director of Knowledge Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) May 2011 Alison Wynn, Assistant Director of Knowledge Management

2 Identify the current and future health and wellbeing needs of a local population Identify groups whose needs are not being met and that are experiencing poor outcomes Inform local health and wellbeing priorities Inform planning of initiatives/ services and commissioning decisions Improve outcomes and reduce health inequalities. Purpose

3 Now It is a statutory requirement for upper-tier Local Authorities and Primary Care Trusts to produce a JSNA This has been in place since 2008 - a requirement of The Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 Future GP consortia and local authorities, will each have an ‘equal and explicit obligation’ to produce the JSNA and to do so through the Health and Wellbeing Board Responsibility

4 Context JSNA was fully reviewed and updated in 2009/10 Significant changes within the NHS Current process ‘Light touch’ approach Updating those areas where new information/ service changes Adding new sections where gaps have been identified Utilising existing data sources; professional expertise; wider knowledge and opinion Current process Strategic direction and approval: Health and Wellbeing Board Steering group: Health and Wellbeing Task Group Delivery: JSNA working group Process

5 Demographic overview: e.g. population size and make up Social and environmental context: e.g. employment; living arrangements Lifestyle: e.g. smoking behaviour; eating habits Burden of ill-health: e.g. prevalence of cancer; stroke; dementia What is included?

6 Variation by locality; age; sex; ethnicity etc. Comparison of information: e.g. locally; regionally; nationally Prediction – trying to estimate future disease prevalence etc. What is included?

7 Areas updated/ refreshedNew areas Demographics Alcohol Smoking Substance misuse Teenage pregnancy Cardiovascular disease Cancer Dementia Housing & homelessness Child health and wellbeing Deaf and hearing impaired Blind and partially sighted Physical disability Mental health Learning disability

8 Now to mid-June: produce draft JSNA Mid-June to mid-July: consultation/ feedback on draft July: final draft to Health and Wellbeing Board for approval September: start process for future JSNA Timeframe

9 What information can you feed into the current JSNA? How? Would you like to consult on the final draft? Would you like to be involved in the development of future JSNAs? Your input…

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