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KVEC Presents PGES Observation Calibration Are You On Target?

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Presentation on theme: "KVEC Presents PGES Observation Calibration Are You On Target?"— Presentation transcript:

1 KVEC Presents PGES Observation Calibration Are You On Target?

2 Does Not Replace Calibration

3 Targets  Understand Calibration Purpose & Process  Get Most out of Administrator & Principal Reports  Support for observers Who Need Practice & Coaching

4 What is Calibration and What is its purpose?

5 New Observer Training and Calibration Videos in Teachscape Focus

6 Two 15-minute video segments Feedback Accuracy of Scores Rationales for scores assigned Recommendations for improving accuracy

7 How are they different Proficiency AssessmentCalibration Measures all sub-skills including: 1.Distinguishing between evidence, interpretation, and bias. 2.Aligning evidence to components 3.Recognizing evidence that has been misaligned to components. 4.Assigning an accurate score for each of the 8 FfT components. A much shorter “check” on one aspect of proficiency-assigning an accurate score for each of the 8 FfT components. Summative/Pass FailFormative /Feedback only Comprehensive measure of proficiencyOnly covers current level of accuracy and steps in maintaining or improving accuracy Average 2-3 hours for each of two parts.Approximately one hour to complete Must pass the Principal proficiency to evaluate teachers. Next Steps is a district decision

8 Periodic check on accuracy intended to help mitigate rater drift Customizable calibration windows Observers score two 15-minute videos Feedback to observers regarding accuracy of ratings, rationales for scores, and recommendations for next steps Aggregated reports regarding observer performance as compared to expert scores and recommendations for support and/or remediation

9 Focus for Observers: Develop and Maintain Observation Skills 9 New Observer Certified Observer Training/Practice Calibration Recertification Demonstrate Proficiency Maintain Skills Develop Skills Proficiency Assessment Observer Training Scoring Practice Teachscape Focus Training/Practice Calibration Recertification ` `

10 Why is Initial Training Not Enough? 10 Research shows that “Rater Drift” occurs over time Undermines validity of observation scores and feedback Can have progressively adverse impact on quality of inferences made about classroom teaching practice Disrupts inter-rater reliability In a study of 458 teachers and 1,800 lessons, variability in teachers’ scores over time was caused by increasing severity of observers’ scoring after taking into account changes in teaching quality Rater Drift is Real. It can be caused by; Fatigue/Stress Colleague Influence/Bias Relative Performance

11 KDE 4 Year Plan for PGES 11 Initial Proficiency Certification Calibration Recertification Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

12 TeachScape Calibration (Limited time Ky. Pricing) $199 per year for each principal/observer—observer training, 8 scoring practice videos, and 5 calibration windows that will be opened throughout the year. This is exactly like the license you used for year 1 but without the assessment. $149 per year for each principal/observer—8 scoring practice videos and 5 calibration windows that will be opened throughout the year. $99 per year for each observer-6 calibrating windows to check scoring accuracy throughout the year.

13 How To Order Calibration License Decide which license you will be purchasing. Contact Colleen McHugh and let her know how many of each type of license you need along with the names of the users and who the district administrator will be. Phone: 215-690- Colleen will send you a quote which you will sign and return to Teachscape with a PO for processing. When the licenses are ready for activation you will receive an email from Teachscape with directions for activating the accounts and opening calibration windows.

14 Calibration Reports and Supports

15 Administrator Reports Scoring Practice: Rater Agreement Calibration: Calibration Performance Proficiency Tests: Score Range and Recommendations Test Performance Component Proficiency

16 Gather Evidence, Align it to the Components, Score 16 Taking evidence on a Calibration video Scoring all components based on evidence gathered Align evidence to components

17 Adjacent Scores Are Not Good Enough

18 Demonstrating Scoring Accuracy

19 Needs Practice and Support

20 Needs Remediation and Monitoring

21 Recommendations for Administrators 21 Decision RulesEnd of Calibration Window Demonstrating Scoring Accuracy ≤ 2 discrepant (13%)/≥ 12 exact (75%) The observers in this category have indicated that they scored accurately on the two calibration videos. Assuming they arrived at the score the same way the expert scorers did, the observers provided evidence of being able to apply the Framework for Teaching accurately. They are ready to observe classrooms. Needs Practice and Support All score combinations that do not match green or red category The observers in this category have indicated that they need additional practice and support as they prepare to do classroom observations. They should review the rubrics, benchmarks and rangefinders for the components for which they did not have an exact match with the expert scores. It is also suggested that they complete a video from the Scoring Practice. You may want to have these observers be monitored more closely than the observers in the “Demonstrated Scoring Accuracy” category. Needs Remediation and Monitoring ≥ 8 discrepant (50%)/≤ 4 exact (25%) The observers in this category have indicated that they are inconsistent in their application of the Framework for Teaching to videos of classroom practice. A source of their scoring inconsistency may be a due to their professional preferences influencing their judgment and application of the rubric language. They should go through training again with a colleague or coach. It is strongly recommended that they be monitored when doing observations in the classroom. For example, they might be sent into a classroom with another trained observer and their evidence and scores are compared, or you may decide to have them videotape the lesson they are observing so that a second observer can review it.

22 For Inquiring Minds… What happens if my performance reveals that I am not scoring accurately? Where can I find help? If I fall into the red category can I re-calibrate immediately?

23 How to Support your Principals who need Practice and Coaching

24 District Role District receives recommendations on the district level calibration reports Identifies observers who fall into the yellow or red categories Each district has or will have identified structures and processes for support for individuals who need monitoring or more significant interventions

25 Norming exercises should be a standard component of evaluator training, and evaluators whose observation scores do not accurately calibrate to the master rating should receive more training before they may observe teachers for evaluative purposes -Reform Support Network, June 2013

26 Discuss this scenario A principal with 3 years experience successfully obtained observer certification in 2014-2015. In 2015 the principal completed the calibration requirement and had 9/16 scores that were discrepant or adjacent. -How does your district know that this principal needs support? -How does your district currently provide support to principals for calibration and accuracy?

27 Processes and Protocols to Support Principals Checklist ✓ One or more district administrators is assigned the task of documenting and tracking evaluator certification and calibration. ✓ A district protocol has been established to support principals who are not successful with certification. ✓ A district protocol has been established to support principals who demonstrate rater drift in calibration. ✓ District staff who support principals have successfully passed Teachscape certification and calibration. ✓ District Professional Learning encourages ongoing reflection on the KYFfT and appropriate alignment of evidence (principal cadres, administrative meetings, etc.).

28 Job-Embedded Research suggests basing this additional training on practice at the rater’s school, rather than on video analysis of teachers that the evaluator will never observe. This would address a concern raised by experts that evaluators tend to rate teachers they know higher than those with whom they are not familiar.

29 Support for Capacity Building Another trained administrator might review calibration exercises with the evaluator, identifying any potential misunderstandings regarding KyFfT, evidence, bias, etc.

30 Support for Capacity Building Another support is to send impartial observers to conduct co-observations with trained/certified school or district leaders

31 Or evaluators could submit a video of a lesson they observe along with their rating, at which point a trained impartial observer rates the teacher as well.

32 In any scenario, the goal is to identify those school leaders most in need of support and help them improve their accuracy in the context of the classrooms of teachers they will evaluate

33 How do principals engage in practice and ongoing support for calibration? Review of KyFfT? Practice identifying evidence? Practice aligning evidence to KyFfT? DLTs? PLCs?

34 Happy Calibrating

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