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Genetics review. In a Punnett square problem, what do the capital letters represent?

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Presentation on theme: "Genetics review. In a Punnett square problem, what do the capital letters represent?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Genetics review

2 In a Punnett square problem, what do the capital letters represent?

3 dominance

4 How do dominant traits show up?

5 When at least one allele is present (one capital letter)

6 How do recessive traits show up?

7 When there are two lower case letters representing the alleles

8 What is the purpose of the Punnett square?

9 To show all the possibilities of alleles

10 What is genotype?

11 What an individual’s genes look like.

12 What is phenotype?

13 What an individual physically looks like according to their traits.

14 Who is the father of genetics?

15 Gregor Mendel

16 What is heredity?

17 The passing on of traits from one generation to another

18 What is the Law of Independent Assortment?

19 Allele pairs separate independently during the formation of gametes. This means that traits are transmitted to offspring independently of one another.

20 What are homologous chromosomes?

21 Two sister chromatids are attached in the middle. They are in pairs.

22 What are the chances a baby will be born a boy?

23 50% 2:2

24 What is crossing over?

25 When pieces of chromosomes break off and reattach to another chromosome during meiosis.

26 What are alleles?

27 They represent the genes on a chromosome

28 What is the law of segregation?

29 The principle stating that during the production of gametes the two copies of each hereditary factor segregate so that offspring acquire one factor from each parent.

30 What is a Bb individual?

31 Hybrid or heterozygous

32 What is a BB individual? Purebred or homozygous

33 Crossing a red flower with a white one produces pink, this is an example of?

34 Incomplete dominance

35 What is the purpose of a pedigree?

36 To track a trait through the generations of a family tree.

37 Crossing a white and black chicken produces a checkered one, this is an example of?

38 Co-dominance

39 What is hemophilia?

40 A sex-linked inherited bleeding disease.


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