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Paper 3 Section B. Variables : Air pressure, Temperature. Manipulated : Responding : Constant : temperature Air pressure Volume of air.

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Presentation on theme: "Paper 3 Section B. Variables : Air pressure, Temperature. Manipulated : Responding : Constant : temperature Air pressure Volume of air."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paper 3 Section B


3 Variables : Air pressure, Temperature. Manipulated : Responding : Constant : temperature Air pressure Volume of air

4 inference MV affects RV affects temperature air pressure

5 hypothesis When increases,, increases Temperature Air pressure

6 aim To investigate the relationship between and temperature pressure

7 Method of controlling manipulated variable Manipulate variable : temperature control : the first temperature Heat up the water to 20 0 C

8 Method of measuring responding variable Responding variable : pressure Measure pressure using : Bourdon gauge Using Bourdon gauge, measure the pressure and record the data

9 Analyse data Temperature / K Pressure / Nm -2 20 30 40 50 60

10 Graph Temperature / K Pressure / Nm -2


12 variables Manipulated : Responding : Constant : length resistance diameter

13 inference _ affects length resistance

14 hypothesis When increases,, increases length resistance

15 aim To investigate the relationship between and length resistance

16 Method of controlling manipulated variable Manipulated variable : length Control : the first length : 15 cm Measure 15 cm length of wire and connect both end at point A and B

17 Responding variable : resistance Measure potential difference using : Method of measuring responding variable Measure potential difference using volmeter and calculate the resistance. Record data voltmeter

18 Analyse data Length / cm Potential difference / V Resitance / Ω 15 20 25 30 35

19 Length Resistance cm Ω

20 Cuba soalan muka surat 5
















36 pressure of water at a depth of 50 m under the sea is greater than the pressure at sea level. Pressure of this magnitude will crush human lungs and even ships unless they are protected by special equipment or made with special materials

37 Variable Depth, pressure Manipulated variable : Depth Responding variable : pressure Constant: density

38 Aim : to investigate the relationship between depth and pressure Hypothesis : when the depth increases, the pressure increases. Aim and hyphotesis


40 Diagram 4.1 shows an electromagnetic lifting machine used to lift scrap metal. Diagram 4.2 shows the observation of the machine when the current flows through the machine is incr eased Diagram 4.1 shows an electromagnetic lifting machine used to lift scrap metal. Diagram 4.2 shows the observation of the machine when the current flows through the machine is incr eased Diagram 4.1 shows an electromagnetic lifting machine used to lift scrap metal. Diagram 4.2 shows the observation of the machine when the current flows through the machine is incr eased Diagram 4.1 shows an electromagnetic lifting machine used to lift scrap metal. Diagram 4.2 shows the observation of the machine when the current flows through the machine is incr eased Diagram 4.1 shows an electromagnetic lifting machine used to lift scrap metal. Diagram 4.2 shows the observation of the machine when the current flows through the machine is incr eased Diagram 4.1 shows an electromagnetic lifting machine used to lift scrap metal. Diagram 4.2 shows the observation of the machine when the current flows through the machine is increased.

41 Variables Current, magnetic strength Manipulated : current Responding: magnetic strength ( number of pin )


43 variables Manipulated : depth of water ( real depth) Responding: position of image (apparent depth) Constant: density of water

44 Inference : Depth of water affect the position of image. Hypothesis : when real depth increases, the apparent depth increases.

45 Aim : To investigate the relationship between depth of water ( real depth ) and position of image ( apparent depth)

46 Apparatus and material : tall beaker, meter rule, pins, cork, water, retort stand

47 procedure a)Mention manipulated quantity : Real Depth : start experiment with what depth?? Fill the beaker with water to a height of 20 cm

48 b) Method of measuring responding variable : apparent depth With meter rule, measure the apparent depth. Repeat experiment : Repeat experiment with different depth such as : 30 cm, 40 cm, 50 cm and 60 cm.

49 Tabulate data Real depth / D ( cm)Apparent depth / d (cm) 20 30 40 50 60

50 Analyse data Apparent depth / d ( cm ) Real depth / D (cm)



53 Constantant wire


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