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Governance and Finance Robert C. McCracken

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Presentation on theme: "Governance and Finance Robert C. McCracken"— Presentation transcript:

1 Governance and Finance Robert C. McCracken

2 Overview Governance –National Perspective –State Regulation –Local Organization and Governance Finance –National –State –Local

3 Checking for Knowledge School Boards in Virginia receive all of their funding from the state. About 50% of Virginia school divisions’ funding comes from the federal government. The superintendent can determine how funds are budgeted. A school board has sole discretion over its spending School Board’s have their own money to run schools School Board members are all elected in Virginia

4 Governance National Perspective Constitututional Definition Federal Funding Issues Example: Goals 2000 Relationship to NCLB Special Education Issues; Virginia’s Discipline Case

5 Governance State Governance Virginia Law 22.1 Virginia Board of Education RegulationsVirginia Board of Education Regulations Standards of Quality Standards of Accreditation State Superintendent’s MemorandumState Superintendent’s Memorandum

6 Governance Local Organization and Governance Local School Boards and $MONEY$ Local Board of Supervisors / City Councils Selection/Election of School Board Members Local School Board Policy Local School Board Regulations Local Superintendent’s Directives

7 Finance Virginia School Boards have NO capacity for raising revenue, they cannot set tax rates Superintendent’s prepare and monitor expenditures State established accounting system Superintendent’s can recommend budgets and budget transfers

8 Finance What does that mean; you can’t buy a computer out of personnel money Appropriations are determined by the governing body (BOS, City Council) Federal government money is small in perspective to the total budget, most budgets are less than 10% Federal government money is isolated to specific purposes

9 Finance Sources State Share – determined by formula; ranges from 20% to 80% of the REQUIRED expenditures Local Share – the opposite of the state share from 20% to 80% of the REQUIRED expenditures Federal – Generally less than 10%

10 Finance Once a budget is established, approved by the School Board and the Governing Body, categorical spending changes can only occur with those “bodies” approval. School Boards never see real money Check writing process Accountability

11 What You Need to Know What is your localities’ composite index Who are the budget holders in your district Who manages your technology budget, state technology initiatives, and E-Rate funds How much money does your locality provide above the required minimum requirement.

12 What You Need to Know When does the budget process start When does your school board approve their budget When does your governing body approve your budget Who are your school board members and your Board of Supervisors (City Council)

13 What You Need to Know Who is the contact person for budget monitoring and purchasing Read your school division’s policy manual and learn the procedures for purchasing and requesting items, services and personnel

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