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1.  Psychology as a science emerged in late 1800. -Structuralism (Titchener); Mind follows “structures”. Able to find structures able to find truth.

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Presentation on theme: "1.  Psychology as a science emerged in late 1800. -Structuralism (Titchener); Mind follows “structures”. Able to find structures able to find truth."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2  Psychology as a science emerged in late 1800. -Structuralism (Titchener); Mind follows “structures”. Able to find structures able to find truth. -Functionalism (James); How does the mind work, psychological processes. Can tell you how one can survival. 2

3  Psychoanalytic Perspective (Freud) Person lives in two realms, Conscious and Unconscious. Person mainly Unconscious with a small proportion Conscious. The two (conscious and unconscious) are unaware of each other with the exception of moments of Preconsciousness. Preconscious is small crack in the window to the Unconscious. ∞ 3

4  Psychoanalytic Perspective (Freud) Defined self as three parts (selves). Id, selfish / hedonistic desires and basic instincts; Superego, higher conscious and socially adjusted; Ego, mediator of Id and Superego. Ego in constant struggle with trying to satisfy the needs of the Id and Superego in a realistic (conscious) way. ∞ 4

5  Branching off Freudian Psychoanalytic Psychology -Erikson, psychosocial stages -Adler, individual psychology -Jung, archetypes and collective unconscious ∞ -many more… 5

6  Humanistic Psychology (Maslow, Rogers)- individual’s potential.  Cognitive Psychology-Understanding physical structures (anatomy) and mental processes to understand a person’s mind.  Behaviorism (Pavlov, Skinner)-Understanding observable behavior and environmental influences thus equating the person.  Social Learning Theory (Rotter, Bandura)- social environment and context in determining behavior. 6

7  The thought, feeling, and behavior of individuals’ as shaped by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others. G.W. Allport 7

8 Figure 1.1 8

9  We Construct Our Social Reality  We react differently because we think differently Objective reality Beliefs about others Beliefs about ourselves What Theories and/or Perspectives would explain why we think differently? 9

10  Our Social Intuitions Are Often Powerful but Sometimes Perilous (Wrong)  Dual processing  Conscious - deliberate  Unconscious - automatic 10

11  Social Influences Shape Our Behavior  Locality  Educational level  Subscribed media  Culture  Ethnicity 11

12  Personal Attitudes and Dispositions  Internal forces  Inner attitudes about specific situations  temperament, emotional intelligence “?”, intelligent quotient (IQ)  Personality dispositions  Different people may react differently while facing the same situation 12

13  Social Behavior Is Biologically Rooted  Evolutionary psychology  Natural selection predisposes our actions and reactions  Social neuroscience  We are bio-psycho-social organisms 13

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