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Don McClainW. 65 st. church of Christ - 12/4/2005 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Don McClainW. 65 st. church of Christ - 12/4/2005 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Don McClainW. 65 st. church of Christ - 12/4/2005 1

2 Don McClainW. 65 st. church of Christ - 12/4/2005 2  The church universal... the whole body of baptized believers, (Matt. 16:18; Acts 2:41,47; Eph. 4:4; 5:23; 1 Cor. 12:13; Rom. 6:3,4; Gal. 3:26,27) 18 times -  A local church... A congregation of those who belong to the Lord in a particular locality who have banded together to work and worship collectively in those things God would have them to do. (Rom. 16:16; 1 Cor. 1:2; Phili 1:1; Acts 9:26). 92 times The Christian, while added to the universal church by the Lord, should seek to join himself to a local church like the apostle Paul did with the church in Jerusalem in Acts 9:26.

3 Don McClainW. 65 st. church of Christ - 12/4/2005 3  The church universal has no organization with which it can function. (Eph. 1:22,23; Col. 1:18)  Each local congregation is an independent, autonomous, i.e., self- governing group with elders, deacons, & saints. (Acts 14:23; 20:17,28; Phil. 1:1; 1 Tim. 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-9; 1 Pet. 5:2; Heb. 13:17) Every Christian needs to be identified with a local church. He should seek out a faithful group of the Lord's people and identify with them in order to fulfill his share of the collective responsibilities.

4 Don McClainW. 65 st. church of Christ - 12/4/2005 4 Every Christian needs to be identified with a local church. He should seek out a faithful group of the Lord's people and identify with them in order to fulfill his share of the collective responsibilities. Hebrews 13:17 (NKJV) Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.

5 Don McClainW. 65 st. church of Christ - 12/4/2005 5  There is a relationship between the overseers and the overseen.  Since the elders authority is limited to a local church, this relationship can only exist in a local church.  When one “joins” himself to a local church, he places himself under the oversight of the elders. Every Christian needs to be identified with a local church. He should seek out a faithful group of the Lord's people and identify with them in order to fulfill his share of the collective responsibilities.

6 Don McClainW. 65 st. church of Christ - 12/4/2005 6  It is true that we can worship God by ourselves in some ways... Whenever and wherever we want... (John 4:21-24; Acts 10:9; 16:25)  But – NT Christians did and MUST worship together regularly! (Acts 2:42-47; 4:23-31; 20:7; 1 Cor. 11:17,18; 16:1,2; Heb 10:24,25) Every Christian needs to be identified with a local church. He should seek out a faithful group of the Lord's people and identify with them in order to fulfill his share of the collective responsibilities.

7 Don McClainW. 65 st. church of Christ - 12/4/2005 7  Sing (Eph 5:19; Col. 3:16)  Pray (Acts 12:5)  Lord’s Supper (Acts 20:7; I Cor. 11:18, 20, 23-29)  Teaching - (Acts 20:7).  Giving (I Cor. 16:1, 2).  We are to assemble and offer mutual edification – this is a responsibility (Heb 10:23-25). Every Christian needs to be identified with a local church. He should seek out a faithful group of the Lord's people and identify with them in order to fulfill his share of the collective responsibilities.

8 Don McClainW. 65 st. church of Christ - 12/4/2005 8  Evangelism – (Acts 11:19- 26; 12:25-13:3)  Edification – (Eph. 4:16; 1 Thes. 1:3; Heb. 10:24)  Benevolence - (Acts 11:27- 30)  These things imply the necessity of organization, & teamwork!!! (1 Cor. 12:27; Eph 4:11-16) Every Christian needs to be identified with a local church. He should seek out a faithful group of the Lord's people and identify with them in order to fulfill his share of the collective responsibilities.

9 Don McClainW. 65 st. church of Christ - 12/4/2005 9  As a member of the church the Christian is a part of the family of God (1 Tim. 3:15).  Being a member of a local church one sustains peculiar responsibilities to those who are his fellow- members in that local body. It is like being a part of a physical family. – (Mark 10:29,30) Every Christian needs to be identified with a local church. He should seek out a faithful group of the Lord's people and identify with them in order to fulfill his share of the collective responsibilities.

10 Don McClainW. 65 st. church of Christ - 12/4/2005 10 Mutual Responsibilities:  Love (1 Pet. 1:22)  Comfort & Edify (1 Thes 5:11)  Encourage (Heb. 3:13; 10:24)  Teach & Admonish (Col. 3:16)  Bear Burdens (Gal. 6:2)  Forgive (Eph. 4:32; Mt. 6:14- 15)  Work Together (Phil. 1:27)  Discipline - (1 Cor. 5:4) Every Christian needs to be identified with a local church. He should seek out a faithful group of the Lord's people and identify with them in order to fulfill his share of the collective responsibilities.

11 Don McClainW. 65 st. church of Christ - 12/4/2005 11  Local - 1 Cor 1:2; Rom 16:5  Composed of Saints Who Agree to Work Together - Acts 9:26-28  Organized - Phil 1:1  Autonomous - 1 Pet 5:1-2  Assembles Regularly - 1 Cor. 11:18; Heb. 10:24-25  Functions Collectively – 1 Cor. 12:14-30; 1 Tim 5:16

12 Don McClainW. 65 st. church of Christ - 12/4/2005 12  Can’t find a faithful congregation...  Lack of understanding the need...  Not willing to submit to the Lord’s way...

13 Don McClainW. 65 st. church of Christ - 12/4/2005 13  You can come forward...  You can write a note, mark it on a card, call us....  Simply communicate your desire to us...  Will you be accepted??

14 Don McClainW. 65 st. church of Christ - 12/4/2005 14  Have you been baptized into Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins?  Do you desire to submit to the Lord’s teachings and be faithful to Him?  Are you willing to work and serve under the oversight of the elders here?

15 Don McClainW. 65 st. church of Christ - 12/4/2005 15

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