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 Caitlin Dziublenski   Webpage: access via Faculty Directory on Mendham High School homepage  Desk: Biology office.

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Presentation on theme: " Caitlin Dziublenski   Webpage: access via Faculty Directory on Mendham High School homepage  Desk: Biology office."— Presentation transcript:


2  Caitlin Dziublenski  email:  Webpage: access via Faculty Directory on Mendham High School homepage  Desk: Biology office  Main Office: Mailbox  Voicemail Extension: 5171  Kathleen Tucky  email:  Webpage: access via Faculty Directory on Mendham High School homepage  Classroom: Room 25  Main Office: Mailbox  Voicemail Extension: 5191

3  The CAS programme aims to develop students who: 1. Enjoy and find significance in a range of CAS experiences 2. purposefully reflect upon their experiences 3. identify goals, develop strategies and determine further actions for personal growth 4. explore new possibilities, embrace new challenges and adapt to new roles 5. actively participate in planned, sustained, and collaborative CAS projects 6. understand they are members of local and global communities with responsibilities towards each other and the environment


5 CREATIVITY, ACTIVITY, and SERVICE  *Real, purposeful actions with significant outcomes  *Requires meeting a personal challenge  *Includes thoughtful consideration  *Results in reflection on outcomes and personal growth

6  -Be collaborative  -Be sustained  -Be Creative, Active, and/or Service oriented  -Be chosen for their value to you and society  -Be ‘volunteer’ (no payment)

7  1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth  2.Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process  3.Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience  4.Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences  5.Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively  6.Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance  7.Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

8 *A helpful and supportive framework to consider as you make your plans for CAS  *1. Investigation: what do you want to do?  *2. Preparation: what is your role and what are your responsibilities?  *3. Action: How will you implement your experience?  *4. Reflection: How will you express your growth and accomplishments?  *5. Demonstration: How you learned? What you have accomplished? In an informal interview

9 *An activity that requires creativity, imagination and/or design. *Exploring and extending ideas leading to an original or interpretive product or performance  *Examples: 1. *Learning a new skill such as playing the piano 2.*Designing the set for a local theater group 3. *Volunteering to teach photography or another secular topic at church/camp 4. *Taking cooking classes 5. *Developing a website

10 *An activity that gets you moving, preferably sweating and/or focuses on a healthy lifestyle. *Anything that promotes your physical well-being *Examples: 1. *Being part of a Varsity/JV sport for an entire season 2. *Being part of marching band for the season 3. *Teaching an aerobics/Zumba class at a community center 4. *Learning a new sport or taking on a new athletic challenge (rock climbing, snowboarding, etc) 5. *Develop a running club

11 *An activity that provides a helpful service and/or product for a person or organization. *Involvement must grow over time *Should be a two-way street/Collaborative *Examples: 1. *Reading the newspaper or teaching crafts to senior citizens at a rest home 2. *Running a fundraiser to benefit a local charity or organization. (Chair a committee for Relay for Life) 3. *One-on-One tutoring 4. *Volunteering to help at a local animal shelter

12  *It is the quality of CAS activity that is the most important!  *You should be contributing to the activity weekly and should continue for about 18 months  *Counting hours is discouraged

13  *CAS students must be involved in at least one CAS project during their CAS program.  What is a CAS Project?  *Has defined purposes and goals  *Involves collaboration with other students and with the community  *Includes one or more of the CAS strands  *Takes place over at least a month  *Allows for personal growth  *Involves the 5 stages of investigation, preparation, action, reflection, and demonstration

14  Step 1: BEFORE  *Choose an activity or project  *Join school organizations  *Contact community organizations  *Check your coordinator’s webpage  *Ask other students

15  Step 2: BEFORE  *Submit the Pre-Activity Forms to your coordinator.  Ms. Caitlin Dziublenski: Class of 2016 (Classes that end in even numbers)  Ms Kathleen Tucky: Class of 2017 (Classes that end in odd numbers)  *Your coordinator will return the form to you or she may ask for more clarification about your activity  *First Initial Interview: September-1st year of IB programme

16  Step 3: DURING  *Reflect as you participate in the activity  *Keep a journal, notebook, word document, email draft, etc.  *Don’t forget to collect digital artifacts that demonstrate your involvement. *Programs, photos, flyers, brochures, videos, etc.  *Compile your work in a binder, folder, portfolio  *MidYear Audit Interview: May of the first year in IB programme

17  Step 4: AFTER  *Have your supervisor complete the Supervisor’s Verification Form.  *They may return it to you or mail to your coordinator. Address is at the bottom of the form.  *Complete the Post-Activity Form  *Prepare for the informal Exit Interview

18  Step 5: FINAL  *Exit Interview: March of your 2nd Year of the IB programme  *Bring with you the following material in your portfolio:  *Pre-Activity Form, Post-Activity Form, Reflections, digital artifacts, Supervisor’s Verification Form for each activity  *CAS Project in portfolio  *The interview with your coordinator will be scheduled through your TOK classes. 

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