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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Ch 15 Terms IIIIIIIV.

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1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Ch 15 Terms IIIIIIIV

2 This term best describes the US economic policy during the rise of big business (1865-1900)

3 Laissez faire capitalism

4 In the latter half of the 1800s businesses formed these to increase efficiency and raise necessary capital

5 Corporations

6 The purpose of this act was to disband large corporations

7 Sherman Antitrust Act

8 These immigrants came largely from Southern and Eastern Europe and were a variety of religions.

9 New immigrants

10 The immigrants of the latter part of the 1800s largely settled in these in the urban centers – ex: Little Italy.

11 Ethnic Neighborhoods

12 The major reason that many Americans feared immigration was due to this reason

13 Economic Factors

14 This piece of legislation (passed in 1882) prohibited individuals from certain a certain Asian nation from immigrating to America for work purposes.

15 Chinese Exclusion Act

16 The major purpose of forming pools, trusts and monopolies in the United States was to do this

17 Eliminate Competition

18 The Gold and Credit Mobilier Scandals occurred under this President

19 Grant

20 Founded in 1869, this was one of the nation’s earliest labor unions

21 The Knights of Labor

22 These laws were passed by state legislators during the 1870s to regulate the Railroads

23 Granger Laws

24 This political party’s platform called for a shorter workday and immigration restrictions to appeal to the labor groups. However, they were unsuccessful.

25 Populist Party

26 Debt was this group’s main problem in the late 1800s

27 Farmers

28 Many believed the political corruption of the late 1800s was due to this

29 The spoils system or patronage

30 These people are opposed to foreigners settling in their country

31 Nativists

32 Loser of the 1896 Presidential election, this man’s “Cross of Gold” speech did not appeal to factory workers

33 William Jennings Bryan

34 Strikes often became this at the end of the 19 th century (such as the Harvester and Homestead Strikes) which caused many labor movements to weaken

35 Violent

36 The Supreme Court decision in this case said that the granger Laws were unconstitutional

37 Wabash v. IL

38 The government generally sided with this in labor confrontations

39 Business/Management

40 This agrarian group, formed in TX, supported government ownership of the Railroads, a graduated income tax, and tougher banking standards

41 The Farmers’ Alliance

42 President of the American Railway Union who was jailed for his involvement in the Pullman Strike

43 Eugene V. Debs

44 This court case did not declare the Granger Laws unconstitutional

45 Munn v. IL

46 These are charitable efforts to promote public welfare.

47 Philanthropy

48 This group sought to impose a literacy test on all immigrants

49 The Immigration Restriction League

50 Although a Stalwart, this President made efforts to advance civil service reform including support for the Pendleton Civil Service Act

51 Chester A. Arthur

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