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Matei Zaharia Introduction to. Outline The big data problem Spark programming model User community Newest addition: DataFrames.

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Presentation on theme: "Matei Zaharia Introduction to. Outline The big data problem Spark programming model User community Newest addition: DataFrames."— Presentation transcript:

1 Matei Zaharia Introduction to

2 Outline The big data problem Spark programming model User community Newest addition: DataFrames

3 Data is growing faster than computation speeds Growing data sources  Web, mobile, scientific, … Cheap storage  Doubling every 18 months Stalling CPU speeds The Big Data Problem

4 Examples Facebook’s daily logs: 60 TB 1000 genomes project: 200 TB Google web index: 10+ PB Cost of 1 TB of disk: $30 Time to read 1 TB from disk: 6 hours (50 MB/s)

5 The Big Data Problem Single machine can no longer process or even store all the data! Only solution is to distribute over large clusters

6 Google Datacenter How do we program this thing?

7 Message-passing between nodes Really hard to do at scale:  How to divide problem across nodes?  How to deal with failures?  Even worse: stragglers (node is not failed, but slow) Almost nobody does this for “big data” Traditional Network Programming

8 To Make Matters Worse 1) User time is also at premium  Many analyses are exploratory 2) Complexity of analysis is growing  Unstructured data, machine learning, etc

9 Outline The big data problem Spark programming model User community Newest addition: DataFrames

10 What is Spark? Fast and general engine that can extends Google’s MapReduce model High-level APIs in Java, Scala, Python, R Collection of higher-level libraries

11 Spark Programming Model Part of a family of data-parallel models  Other examples: MapReduce, Dryad Restricted API compared to message-passing: “here’s an operation, run it on all the data”  I don’t care where it runs (you schedule that)  Feel free to run it twice on different nodes

12 Key Idea Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs)  Immutable collections of objects that can be stored in memory or disk across a cluster  Built with parallel transformations (map, filter, …)  Automatically rebuilt on failure

13 Example: Log Mining Load error messages from a log into memory, then interactively search for various patterns lines = spark.textFile(“hdfs://...”) errors = lines.filter(s => s.startswith(“ERROR”)) messages = => s.split(‘\t’)(2)) messages.cache() Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Worker Driver messages.filter(s => s.contains(“foo”)).count() messages.filter(s => s.contains(“bar”)).count()... tasks results Cache 1 Cache 2 Cache 3 Base RDD Transformed RDD Action Result: full-text search of Wikipedia in 1 sec (vs 40 s for on-disk data)

14 Fault Tolerance => (record.type, 1)).reduceByKey((x, y) => x + y).filter((type, count) => count > 10) filterreducemap Input file RDDs track lineage info to rebuild lost data

15 filterreducemap Input file Fault Tolerance => (record.type, 1)).reduceByKey((x, y) => x + y).filter((type, count) => count > 10) RDDs track lineage info to rebuild lost data

16 Example: Logistic Regression Goal: find best line separating two sets of points + – + + + + + + + + – – – – – – – – + target – random initial line

17 Example: Logistic Regression data = spark.textFile(...).map(readPoint).cache() w = Vector.random(D) for (i <- 1 to iterations) { gradient = => (1 / (1 + exp(-p.y * * p.y * p.x ).reduce((x, y) => x + y) w -= gradient } println(“Final w: ” + w)

18 Logistic Regression Results 110 s / iteration first iteration 80 s further iterations 1 s

19 Demo

20 Higher-Level Libraries Spark Spark Streaming real-time Spark SQL structured data MLlib machine learning GraphX graph

21 Combining Processing Types // Load data using SQL points = ctx.sql(“select latitude, longitude from tweets”) // Train a machine learning model model = KMeans.train(points, 10) // Apply it to a stream sc.twitterStream(...).map(t => (model.predict(t.location), 1)).reduceByWindow(“5s”, (a, b) => a + b)

22 Performance of Composition Separate computing frameworks: … HDFS read HDFS write ETL HDFS read HDFS write train HDFS read HDFS write query HDFS write HDFS read ETL train query Spark:

23 Outline The big data problem Spark programming model User community Newest addition: DataFrames

24 Spark Users 1000+ deployments, clusters up to 8000 nodes

25 Applications Large-scale machine learning Analysis of neuroscience data Network security SQL and data clustering Trends & recommendations

26 Which Libraries Do People Use? 75% of users use 2 or more components 50% use three or more components

27 Which Languages Are Used? 2014 Languages Used2015 Languages Used

28 Community Growth Most active open source project in big data

29 Outline The big data problem Spark programming model User community Newest addition: DataFrames

30 Challenges with Functional API Looks high-level, but hides many semantics of computation from engine  Functions passed in are arbitrary blocks of code  Data stored is arbitrary Java/Python objects Users can mix APIs in suboptimal ways

31 Example Problem pairs = => (word, 1)) groups = pairs.groupByKey(), vs) => (k, vs.sum)) Materializes all groups as lists of integers Then promptly aggregates them

32 Challenge: Data Representation Java objects often many times larger than data class User(name: String, friends: Array[Int]) User(“Bobby”, Array(1, 2)) User0x… String 3 0 12 Bobby 5 0x… int[] char[] 5

33 DataFrames / Spark SQL Efficient library for working with structured data  Two interfaces: SQL for data analysts and external apps, DataFrames for complex programs  Optimized computation and storage underneath Spark SQL added in 2014, DataFrames in 2015

34 Spark SQL Architecture Logical Plan Physical Plan Catalog Optimizer RDDs … Data Source API SQL Data Frames Data Frames Code Generator

35 DataFrame API DataFrames hold rows with a known schema and offer relational operations through a DSL c = HiveContext() users = c.sql(“select * from users”) ma_users = users[users.state == “MA”] ma_users.count() ma_users.groupBy(“name”).avg(“age”) row: row.user.toUpper()) Expression AST

36 API Details Based on data frame concept in R, Python  Spark is the first to make this declarative Integrated with the rest of Spark  ML library takes DataFrames as input & output  Easily convert RDDs ↔ DataFrames Google trends for “data frame”

37 What DataFrames Enable 1.Compact binary representation Columnar, compressed cache; rows for processing 2.Optimization across operators (join reordering, predicate pushdown, etc) 3.Runtime code generation

38 Performance


40 Data Sources Uniform way to access structured data  Apps can migrate across Hive, Cassandra, JSON, …  Rich semantics allows query pushdown into data sources Spark SQL users[users.age > 20] select * from users

41 Examples JSON: JDBC: Together: select, text from tweets { “text”: “hi”, “user”: { “name”: “bob”, “id”: 15 } } tweets.json select age from users where lang = “en” select t.text, u.age from tweets t, users u where = and u.lang = “en” Spark SQL {JSON} select id, age from users where lang=“en”

42 To Learn More Get Spark at  You can run it on your laptop in local mode Tutorials, MOOCs and news: Use cases:

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