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Chapter 5 Lesson 1 Weathering and Erosion

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1 Chapter 5 Lesson 1 Weathering and Erosion
Earth Science Unit 1 Chapter 5 Lesson 1 Weathering and Erosion

2 Start-Up Work Pick up a Supplemental Packet from the Lab Table by the door Answer the following questions in your packet (pg 2): Have you ever tripped over a crack in the sidewalk? Why are sidewalks designed with spaces between the sections and why do they raise and buckle? Objectives: Identify and discuss several processes of mechanical weathering Discuss the results of basic mechanical weathering processes Observe the process and effects of mechanical weathering

3 Let’s see the results! Class trip to the Freezer to retrieve straws from yesterday! Answer the Questions: What happened to the clay? What do you think will happen when the water in the cracks of rocks freeze?

4 Weathering Defined: breaking down of rocks into smaller pieces by chemical or physical processes

5 Mechanical Weathering
Aka Physical Weathering- the breaking down of rocks by physical processes No chemical processes are involved Most is caused by temperature extremes Other causes include ice, water, and activities of living things

6 Ice Wedging When water in cracks of rocks expands, it creates a bigger crack

7 Extreme Climates Desert- changes in temperature causes the surface layer of the rocks to fracture from the under layers When this process occurs in granite or other hard rocks it is called exfoliation

8 Water Waves hitting a rock shoreline creates steep cliffs called sea cliffs

9 Living Things Trees can sink their roots into rocks splitting them
Animals- expose rocks to the processes Mollusks can bore holes into rocks!

10 Bring it all together! Answer the questions in your text books on page 90. Write the answers in your supplemental packet After completed- read lesson 2 if you do not finish, it is homework!

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