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BIOLOGY 12 Enzymes.

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1 BIOLOGY 12 Enzymes

2 Enzymes Video Enzyme Basics

3 Like all catalysts, enzymes work by lowering the activation energy for a reaction, thus dramatically increasing the rate of the reaction. As a result, products are formed faster and reactions reach their equilibrium state more rapidly. Most enzyme reaction rates are millions of times faster than those of comparable un-catalyzed reactions. As with all catalysts, enzymes are not consumed by the reactions they catalyze, nor do they alter the equilibrium of these reactions.

4 Enzymes proteins catalysts for biological reactions substrate specific
they initiate chemical reactions without being used in the reaction (reusable) usually named after their substrate, most end in “ase” (ex. Maltase) “Lock and Key” Fit  Induced Fit Model

5 Enzymes they lower the activation energy, therefore increase the rate of reaction

6 Enzymes activity is lost if they are denatured
the unfolding and inactivation – by heating or chemical denaturants, which disrupt the three-dimensional structure of the protein

7 Enzymes How Enzymes Work

8 Enzyme Action Lock and Key Model
substrate binds to active site of enzyme enzyme-substrate complex forms substrate reacts and product is formed product is released (enzyme is unchanged by reaction)

9 Enzyme Action

10 Enzyme Action Induced Fit Model
scientists have modified the “lock and key” model enzyme structure is flexible – not rigid the shape of the enzyme’s active site and the shape of the substrate do not need to match exactly

11 Enzyme Action when the enzyme and substrate join, the enzyme changes its shape slightly (adjusts to fit) this increases the range of substrate specificity

12 Enzyme Action

13 Catalytic Cycle of an Enzyme

14 Activation Energy (EA)
the minimum amount of energy required to start a chemical reaction examples: Oxygen gas + Hydrogen gas + Heat (A.E) = Water Wood + Oxygen + Burning Match (A.E) = Burning wood

15 Activation Energy (EA)
enzymes use a variety of mechanisms that lower activation energy and speed up a reaction *see graphs on page 69 Activation Energy Graph

16 example of why we have enzymes:
enzymes allow reactions to take place at lower temperature (i.e. body temperature) the reactions of living organisms cannot depend on heat as a source of activation energy high temperatures would destroy cells heat would be far too random of a source of activation energy (not dependable) cells must carry out specific reactions at definite times

17 Recap on Enzymes each is specific – guides only one type of cell reaction they are not permanently changed or used up during a reaction can be used over and over again the shape of the enzyme is crucial to the reaction

18 Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity
environmental factors cofactors and coenzymes enzyme inhibitors

19 Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity
temperature up to a point, the speed of the reaction increases with the increase in temperature most enzymes function optimally around body temperature (between 35o – 40oC) extreme temperatures can denature an enzyme

20 Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity
pH the optimal pH is between 6 and 8 (near neutral)

21 Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity
cofactors inorganic non-protein helpers are sometimes needed for optimal enzyme activity examples: vitamins zinc iron must be present in the quaternary structure of hemoglobin in order for it to pick up oxygen

22 Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity
enzyme inhibitors competitive: has a structure similar to the substrate competes with the substrate for the active site occupies the active site

23 Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity
enzyme inhibitors non-competitive: does not have a structure like the substrate binds to the enzyme but not active site changes the shape of enzyme and active site substrate cannot fit into altered active site no reaction occurs

24 Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity

25 Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity
How Enzymes Work

26 Lets Label It

27 Questions You turn on a battery powered tape deck and the reels in the cassette begin to rotate. How does this example explain energy transformation? A. Potential energy (stored energy) in the batteries was converted to kinetic energy (mechanical energy).

28 Questions Suppose you started a fire by using a magnifying glass to focus the sun’s image on some paper. What is the source of activation energy for this reaction? A. The concentrated sunlight was absorbed and changed to heat. This heat provided the activation energy.

29 Questions Explain how the enzyme maltase can control a reaction involving maltose, but not one involving sucrose. Maltose consists of two bonded glucose units, whereas sucrose consists of a glucose bonded to a fructose. If the active site of the enzyme maltase fits with maltose, it will not fit with sucrose.

30 Compare and Contrast Kinetic Energy / Potential Energy
Endergonic / Exergonic Enzyme/ Substrate Lock and Key Model / Induced Fit Model Enzyme / Coenzyme Competitive Inhibitors / Non-Competitive Inhibitors

31 Questions Page 77 #1, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.

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