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Good Morning 11 th Grade Masterminds! DO NOW (Will’s idea with a twist) Write 2-3 sentences about what you did this weekend in middle diction. (Standard.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Morning 11 th Grade Masterminds! DO NOW (Will’s idea with a twist) Write 2-3 sentences about what you did this weekend in middle diction. (Standard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Morning 11 th Grade Masterminds! DO NOW (Will’s idea with a twist) Write 2-3 sentences about what you did this weekend in middle diction. (Standard English) Now, rewrite those sentences in formal diction and colloquial or low diction.

2 Rhetorical Modes Argument Cause/Effect Classification Definition Compare/Contrast Narration Argument/Persuasion Example

3 Compare/Contrast Comparison: shows the similarities between 2 or more subjects Contrast: show the differences between subjects A comparison/contrast essay is generally written for one of two purposes: – To explain the similarities or differences between two subjects to make either or both clearer. – To evaluate the subjects to establish strengths and weaknesses.

4 Example: In “Neat People vs. Sloppy People,” the author explores the fundamental differences underlying these two kinds of people. She uses humor in her comparison to challenge the way we think about our habits.” (from 40 Model Essays)

5 Narration To narrate is to tell a story, to relate a sequence of events that are linked in time. We narrate when we tell of a funny experience, report a baseball game, or trace a historical event. (from 40 Model Essays) In the narrative mode you will often find use of the pronoun “I,” as well as numerous ancedotes.

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