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Tennis Elbow\Golfer's Elbow

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1 Tennis Elbow\Golfer's Elbow
Ranin omar – Asma’a Alsuhil- Fatimah Albarghawi

2 Definition Golfer's elbow - also known as medial epicondylitis- is a condition that causes pain on the inner side of your elbow, where the tendons of your forearm muscles attach to the bony bump on the inside of your elbow. The pain may spread into your forearm and wrist *Golfer's elbow is similar to tennis elbow. But it occurs on the inside


4 :CAUSES Overwork the extensor muscles like in Golf
Golf. Gripping or swinging the clubs incorrectly can take a toll on your muscles and tendons. Racket sports. Excessive topspin can hurt your elbow.

5 Throwing sports. Improper pitching technique in baseball or softball can be another culprit. Football, also can cause golfer's elbow. Weight training. Lifting weights using improper technique, such as curling the wrists during a biceps exercise, can lead to overload of the elbow muscles and tendons. Other activities. Any activity that causes you to repeatedly bend and straighten your elbow can cause golfer's elbow. This includes activities such as painting, chopping wood, using a computer .. etc

6 Tennis elbow Definition: -a painful condition that occurs when tendons of the elbow are overworked, usually by repetitive motions of the wrist and arm. -also known as lateral epicondylitis (inflammation of the outside elbow bone). Nerve that affected : Radial Nerve

7 Causes might result from: -Tennis -Squash -Weight lifting
Overwork the flexor muscles like in Tennis might result from: -Tennis -Squash -Weight lifting -It can also affect people with jobs or hobbies that require repetitive arm movements or gripping such as: -Typing -Painting -Knitting

8 -Both Tennis Elbow and Golfer’s Elbow are forms of epicondylitis, an inflammation of tendons that attach to the elbow. -Tennis Elbow affects the lateral, or outside, epicondyle -Golfer’s Elbow affects the medial, or inside, epicondyle.

9 Symptoms -pain - weakness

10 Treatments -rest , elbow strap
- ice or cold packs for 10 to 15 minutes nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) Physiotherapy  surgery(severe case) 

11 Abnormal curve -Lordosis: Increase forward curvature of the lumbar region -kyphosis: Increase backward curvture usually in the thoracic region -scoliosis: Lateral curvature, usually in the thoracic region


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