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“European Commission GRID Initiatives and Plans” CEOS GRID Workshop 6-7 May 2002 Guy Weets European Commission "The views expressed.

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Presentation on theme: "“European Commission GRID Initiatives and Plans” CEOS GRID Workshop 6-7 May 2002 Guy Weets European Commission "The views expressed."— Presentation transcript:

1 “European Commission GRID Initiatives and Plans” CEOS GRID Workshop 6-7 May 2002 Guy Weets European Commission "The views expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission"

2  eEurope and Research Networks  GÉANT and the global perspective  GRIDs  FP6 Contents  Conclusions

3 “…to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world…” (Lisbon Summit 2000) An ambitious strategic goal for EU in the next decade

4 Specific measures: eEurope Action Plan Launched by the European Commission to meet the new challenge Stimulate the use of the internet Investing in people and skills A cheaper, faster, secure internet

5 Research Networks: The projects/initiatives  GÉANT Global connectivity -EUMEDIS, TEIN, ALIS SERENATE strategic study  GRIDS for scientific applications IPv6 large scale testbeds Optical routing, QoS, Digital Libraries,...

6 GÉANT: The model National funds EU funds Other funds Campus UniversitiesNRENs National GEANT EU+ NRENs European Requiring new levels of cooperationGlobal

7 0UKUK FRFR CHCH SESE ITITRORO HRHR EEEELVLVLTLT IEIE NLNL BEBE DEDE PLPL CZCZ HUHUATAT SISI SKSK LULU ESES PTPT GRGR BGBG CYCYILIL 622 34 34 45 622 622 155 155 155 155 34 34 155 622 155 34 45 10 Gbps 10 Gbps 2.5 Gbps 2.5 Gbps SE - PoP for Nordunet GÉANT: The connectivity at 10 Gbps

8 GÉANT international dimension: a world of opportunities GTREN - since January 2002,  North America GTREN - since January 2002, 2 x 2.5 Gbps, Europe (fully funding) to North America (reciprocity expected out of current discussions)  Japan 155 Mbps, Europe to Japan (fully funding)

9 GRIDs: A new dimension in networking The GRID aims to create unprecedented computing and information power by linking individual machines over high-speed networks using advanced middleware.

10 GRIDs: A new dimension in networking GRIDs deploys technologies that give users a seamless, secure access to a variety of data and computing resources… GRIDs integrate and adds value to networking, computing, middleware, security, knowledge engineering,... The concept of GRIDs addresses the situation in which the bandwidth of the network blurs the frontiers of the computer…

11 GRIDs: Building virtual communities High Energy Physics Earth & Space Observation Environment Bio-sciences and Health Industrial design/simulation/visualization ASP GRIDs address the needs of virtual communities and fosters the efficient exploitation of the huge investments in research infrastructures:

12 UK - eScience Programme Italy - INFN Grid Netherlands - DutchGrid Germany - Unicore plus France - Grid funding approved Ireland - Grid-Ireland Poland, Czech Republic - seed funding GRIDs: The European efforts EU supported GRIDs work complements national Programmes:

13 GRIDs: An integrated approach Science Industry / businessApplications Middleware & Tools Underlying Infrastructures CROSSGRID DATAGRID DATATAG GRIDLAB EGSO GRIA GRIP EUROGRID DAMIEN GRIDSTART

14 GRIDs: The IST projects  37Meuro of IST funding  Strong consensus formation and contribution to standards: GGF, IETF, W3C, MPI, etc  Most developments follow Open Architecture approach.  37Meuro of IST funding  Strong consensus formation and contribution to standards: GGF, IETF, W3C, MPI, etc  Most developments follow Open Architecture approach.

15 FP6s: Overview and IST related areas Research Infrastructures Research and Innovation Human Resources & Mobility Science and Technology Co-ordination of Research Activities Development of Research/Innova tion Policies Structuring the ERA Strengthening the Foundations of ERA Specific SME Activities Specific International Co-operation Activities JRC Activities Genomic and Biotechnology for health Information Society Technologies Nanotechnologies, intelligent materials, new production processes for health Aeronautics and Space Food Safety and Health Risks Sustainable development and global change Citizens and Governance in the Knowledge Society Priority Thematic Areas Anticipating S/T Needs Integrating European Research Research for Policy Support Frontier Research, unexpected developments

16  Establish a high capacity and high speed communications network for all researchers in Europe (GEANT) and specific high performance Grids and test- beds (GRIDs).  Create large-scale distributed systems & platforms, including Grid-based systems to solve complex problems in areas like the environment, energy, health, transport, industrial design FP6s: Research networks related work

17  EU is actively promoting Information Society in Europe  Networking for Research is a important priority for EU policy  With the support of the IST Programme and in the context of the eEurope action plan, a new generation backbone for research has been launched  In parallel, EU is investing in networking technologies such as GRIDS to support highly demanding user community Conclusions

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