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Reductive Prints. Reduction printing - the process of using one block to print several layers of color on one print. It involves cutting a small amount.

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Presentation on theme: "Reductive Prints. Reduction printing - the process of using one block to print several layers of color on one print. It involves cutting a small amount."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reductive Prints

2 Reduction printing - the process of using one block to print several layers of color on one print. It involves cutting a small amount of the block away - then printing the block many times over on different sheets before washing the block, cutting more away and printing the next color on top. -This allows the previous color to show through. -This process can be repeated many times over.

3 Advantages of this process - only one block is needed - different components of an intricate design will line up perfectly Disadvantage of this process - once the artist moves on to the next layer, no more prints can be made.

4 THE PROCESS: 1.First print your lightest color(s) as the background. 2. Then carve a little and print all your prints in the next lightest color. 3. Then carve some more and print all your prints in the next lightest color. 4. Carve some more and print in a darker color yet, and so on.


6 b.Roll out first color for background = lightest color (Should be yellow ink….bad photo) a. Original Linoleum with Color scheme done in sharpie STEP 1 c.First layer - Print on Paper (Some sharpies marker pulled off of linoleum into ink)

7 STEP 2 – Carve away yellow layer, roll out orange ink, then on paper STEP 3 – Carve away orange area, roll out red ink, then print on paper

8 STEP 4 – Carve away red area, roll out lt blue paint, then print on paper. STEP 5 – Carve away light blue area, roll out Green. Print on Paper

9 STEP 5 – Carve away green areas, roll out Black. Print on Paper Incomplete – example to come

10 1/6 "title of work" signature date Signing A Print Standard Convention Use pencil. Writing is located close to the picture plane of the print. Left edge - print number and edition number shown as a fraction. AP stands for Artist's Proof. If Title, then place in the middle of the space right under the picture plane, often in quotes. Signature goes on the right side, usually followed by the year of the printing. If the plate is used again for a second run, the resulting prints are called a second edition. A third printing would be a third edition. In most cases, a plate is destroyed after a successful run, resulting in a limited edition-- they fewer prints there are, the more valuable they are to collectors. Professional printers keep track of the order in which prints come off the press so that they are numbered in the precise order they were printed.



13 Student examples




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