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Biochemistry Ch.2-3 & 3. (2-3) Water Structure O is -, while the H’s are + –Uneven distribution of charge O HH.

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Presentation on theme: "Biochemistry Ch.2-3 & 3. (2-3) Water Structure O is -, while the H’s are + –Uneven distribution of charge O HH."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biochemistry Ch.2-3 & 3

2 (2-3) Water Structure O is -, while the H’s are + –Uneven distribution of charge O HH

3 Polar vs. Nonpolar Polar: 1 end is + & other is – –“Like dissolves like” –Charges help break apart other cmpds Nonpolar: even distribution of charge

4 Hydrogen Bond Weak force of attraction b/w a H atom in 1 molecule & a negatively charged atom in a 2 nd molecule

5 Properties of Water Cohesion: attractive force b/w like particles –Ex: water attracts to itself & forms “skin” Adhesion: attractive force b/w unlike substances –Ex: water clinging to edges of a glass

6 Capillarity Rxn of a liquid surface w/ a solid –Combine adhesion & cohesion Allows water to creep up the interior of a narrow vessel –Ex: water flows up a flower’s stem

7 Temp. Moderation Water must gain or lose a large amt. of E for its temp. to change Helps cells maintain homeostasis


9 (3-1) Carbon Compounds Organic cmpds: contain C atoms bonded to other elements such as H, O, & N Functional groups: influence properties of a molecule –Ex: -NH 2 for amino acids

10 Building Blocks Molecules are made up of smaller parts called monomers 2 = dimer 3 or more = polymer

11 Making a Macromolecule Condensation rxn: formation of larger molecules by removing a H + from 1 monomer & a OH - from the other monomer H + & OH - combine to form H 2 O

12 Breaking a Macromolecule Hydrolysis rxn: the use of water to break polymers back into monomers –Reverse of condensation rxn

13 E Currency Life requires a constant supply of E ATP (adenosine triphosphate) –Releases E when broken down

14 (3-2) Molecules of Life Carbohydrates - monosaccharides Proteins – amino acids Lipids – fatty acids Nucleic Acids - nucleotides

15 Nutrition Facts Lipids Sugars Amino acids


17 1. Carbohydrates Monosaccharide = monomer –Glucose Disaccharide = 2 monomers –Table sugar Polysaccharide = 3+ monomers –Starch, cellulose, glycogen


19 2. Protein Amino Acid = monomer –20 different types Peptide bond holds amino acids together Dipeptide & Polypeptide = chains of amino acids

20 Most Diverse Group of Molecules

21 Enzymes Most are proteins –ase ending Protease (digests proteins) Catalysts –Speed up rxns by reducing activation E (essential for cell function) Reduce efficiency if change in T or pH –Active site changes shape (lock & key)


23 pH Acids: inc. the H + conc. Bases: inc. the OH - conc. pH = -log[H + ] –As [H + ] inc., pH dec. (10 fold) pH scale: 1-14 –Acidic = <7 –Neutral = 7 –Basic = >7


25 3. Lipids Fatty acids = monomer –Hydrophilic (water loving): polar head –Hydrophobic (water fearing): nonpolar tail Store the most E

26 Complex Lipids Fats: triglycerides –Saturated – bad –Unsaturated – good Phospholipids: cell barrier –Waxes: protective covering Steroids: cholesterol, hormones


28 4. Nucleic Acids Nucleotide = monomer Store impt. info in the cell & make proteins –DNA & RNA

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