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Policies and Contributions

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1 Policies and Contributions
Immigrants Policies and Contributions

2 Policy and Treatment Nativist movement:
The policy of favoring native-born people over immigrants. Those feared in the 1880s: Chinese and Irish Immigrants were willing to work in worse conditions than most Americans

3 Chinese Exclusion Act Banned Chinese immigration for 10 years.
Americans feared that immigrants would take their jobs.

4 Gentlemen’s Agreement with Japan
Japan agreed not to issue passports for Japanese citizens wishing to work in the continental United States. In exchange, the United States agreed to accept the presence of Japanese immigrants already residing in America. United States would permit the immigration of wives children parents of Japanese immigrants already in U.S.

5 Contributions Immigrants contribute to American life
Religious diversity Food New words Customs Source of labor


7 Urban Reform Efforts How the Other Half Lives (Jacob Riis)
Photojournalism: work documenting the filthy living conditions in New York City slums in the 1880s. Exposes the slums to New York City’s upper and middle class Riis pushed tenement reform to the front of New York’s political agenda He called for Better housing Adequate lighting Sanitation Construction of city parks and playgrounds

8 Urban Reform Efforts continued…
Settlement Houses Hull House; Jane Addams Offered services such as Daycare Education Health care to needy people in slum neighborhoods

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