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1.Locate the city-state of Mogadishu. Why would its location be beneficial for trade?

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Presentation on theme: "1.Locate the city-state of Mogadishu. Why would its location be beneficial for trade?"— Presentation transcript:

1 1.Locate the city-state of Mogadishu. Why would its location be beneficial for trade?

2 East coast on the horn of Africa along the Indian Ocean. Its location on the ocean is perfect for trade with Arabs and the East.

3 2. Based on the map and the timeline, which empire was oldest?

4 The Askum Empire in 300

5 3. What might explain why the West African empires of Ghana, Mali and Songhai overlapped?

6 The locations of gold deposits in rivers, proximity to resources like water, use of rivers for trade, transportation, fish, etc.

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